
(Marcin) #1
114 Macworld • August 2019


To remove an errant profile, click the Profiles
preference pane, select the profile in the list,
and click the minus button. This will prompt you
to confirm removal and may require entering an
administrative password.
Others users unable to change or set a home
page in Safari have found first restarting in Safe
Mode (restart and then hold down the Shift key
at startup), and then restarting normally restored
their ability to choose a home page.

Three ways to add an iCloud.com
address, even if you already have one
Apple gives icloud.com email addresses away at no
cost, but it’s not always obvious how to obtain one
by itself or add one to an existing Apple ID account,
or how to get additional addresses if you already
have one at icloud.com.
But there are three paths, which vary by what
you already have and what you want.

  • If you have an Apple ID without an associated
    icloud.com address, you can add one (via iOS
    or macOS).

The Profiles preference
pane may appear due to
unwantedware installing it
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