
(Marcin) #1
32 Macworld • August 2019


That’s not to say that Ive hasn’t produced some
memorable work since Jobs passed. There’s the
Apple Watch, the charging case for the AirPods,
and heck, I’ll even throw in the HomePod. This
decade, though, we tend to hear more complaints
than awe when it comes to new designs. This, after
all, is the decade of the famously sleek but barely
upgradeable ‘trash can’ Mac Pro from 2013 (and it’s
still not clear how much input Jobs may have had in
its initial design). This is the decade of prematurely
vanishing ports and the widely criticized ‘butterfly’
keyboards in the new MacBooks, and it’s the
decade of the oft-ridiculed charging port for the
Magic Mouse 2. It’s the decade when we heard a lot
about a pervasive sense that design is stagnating
at Apple, and so far as there’s any truth to that,

The MacBook’s
butterfly keyboard
was widely criticized
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