
(Marcin) #1
August 2019 • Macworld 89


monitor and iPod stacked on top of each other). In
the Connect to a device menu that pops up, press
More Devices. You should see your HomePod listed
in the resulting menu. Select it, and the music will
immediately start playing. You can also control the
volume with your iPhone’s volume controls.

  1. Add reminders and calendar items
    Siri can add reminders via voice commands
    as easily as she can through the iPhone. So
    if I say, “Hey, Siri, remind me to order pizza at
    5pm,” Siri will say, “Okay, I added ‘order pizza’
    to Reminders for today at 5pm.” Unfortunately,
    reminders themselves will only show up on your
    iPhone. You can add items to your calendar in
    much the same way.

  2. Control HomePod’s
    volume through your iPhone
    You can control the volume with voice commands,
    which is handy but not precise. Fortunately,
    you can also control it with your iPhone. At the
    simplest, if you already have a song playing on
    your HomePod, you’ll see the controls pop up in a
    widget on your iPhone’s lock screen. Alternatively,
    in Control Centre, press the tile for the song that’s
    playing. A new menu will pop up that lets you
    control it through there.

  3. Tell Siri which songs you like
    If you like a song that’s playing, you can say, “Hey,
    Siri, I like this,” and Siri will factor the song into

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