
(Marcin) #1
August 2019 • Macworld 97


in the latest versions of iOS and macOS require
this extra level of security, which is designed to
protect your information.”
I respect this move forward for security’s
sake, but I also think Apple shouldn’t have taken
it without a lot of disclosure, explanation, and
potential grandfathering of those who had opted in.
It doesn’t enumerate what features require this.
And Apple only provides the second factor
via its iOS and macOS, and as a fallback via text
message and automated voice message. It isn’t
integrated with standard code-based second
factors (called a time-based one-time password
or TOTP) or any third-party system.
It seems like Apple should have made sure its
second-factor system is as easy to use and widely
accessible as possible before it made it irreversible.
But the new limitation is in place, and if you haven’t
enabled 2FA yet, you should make sure it meets
your needs before moving forward.

Eexport your Photo
Booth photos and videos
The Photo Booth app lets you take selfies and
record videos through a Mac’s built-in camera
or a third-party camera. But the app’s simple

The Apple ID site no longer
lets you disable 2FA

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