Hotelier Middle East – May 2019

(Marcin) #1
HOTELIER MIDDLE EAST | May 2019 | Volume 18 Issue 05



Tell us about your latest product
The Zieher Bento Box provides flexible
mobility while serving hot or cold food.

What’s special about it?
It is divided into a main compartment
for plates up to 28 cm in diameter and
a narrow side compartment for cutlery
and napkin or glass/porcelain minia-
tures. Optionally available insertion
bowls create additional space for side
dishes, sauces or dips, when placed
above the cutlery tray. Up to four of
these bowls can be placed in a Bento-
Box if required, and with a correspond-
ingly flat content of the main tray,
create a second level for even more

LAUNCH: Williams Refrigeration has
added to its established Gem range of
‘grab and go’ merchandisers with the
launch of its first heated model, the
Scarlet Multideck. Combining the same
style as its refrigerated counterparts
with the ability to keep accurate, safe
temperature control, the Scarlet Multi-
deck offers an eye-catching display unit
for pre-cooked hot foods.
Central to the operation of all grab
and go merchandisers is food safety, and
the Scarlet maintains reliable, consist-
ent and safe temperature with its infra-
red quartz halogen lamps. This system
provides instant and consistent heat,
maintaining the ideal holding tempera-
ture of 65 °C - 70 °C for hot foods such
as pasties, sausage rolls, soups and pies.
Food is displayed on the Scarlet’s
three tilted shelves and the interior
base, with each having an individually
controlled temperature setting. This
makes it possible to safely store different
foods at their required temperatures.
Mobility is a breeze with double
wheel castors for easy positioning, while

Why do hotels need it?
Serving guests at the pool, beach or
on the terrace is often associated with
longer walking distances for the service
staff. The Bento Box from Zieher has
been designed especially for these re-
quirements: all components are stack-
able, guaranteeing space-saving storage
and non-slip delivery, even with several
dishes at the same time.

How does it benefit hotel guests?
The box enables the staff to bring hot
and cold food to any location, without
the usual restrictions of being in a
designated restaurant area.

Where can this be purchased?
Directly at Zieher or at any of our part-



Our latest product

Williams Refrigeration adds new dimension to its grab and go range with Scarlet Multideck heated multideck

ners in your country that are listed on our website
which you can find below:
search/ Or call us on +49 9273/92730

optional rear doors give staff easy access
for restocking. An ultra-quiet operating
noise level of 35db ensures a peaceful
browsing environment for customers.
Full-length LED lighting is partnered
with a polished food-safe stainless steel
interior, providing an eye-catching
display. An optional enhanacement
is provided by panoramic glass ends,
which boosts product visibility.
With a wide choice of colours avail-

able, the Scarlet fits seamlessly into any décor.
The Scarlet has a slimline profile with a depth
of 635mm, and is available in a choice of three
widths: 710, 960 and 1250mm. All three models
are 1855mm high. The range is available for dealers
Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive
range of commercial refrigeration including gas-
tronorm cabinets and counters, specialist bakery
equipment, coldrooms, merchandisers and blast
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