A ne new restoration of a vintage
Mauboussin 123 Corsaire emerged at the
2018 RSA Rally held at Brienne-le-Château
in eastern France on August 4-5. The
Corsaire was a tandem two-seat trainer
built before World War Two for the French
Air Force and additional examples were
constructed post-war for ying clubs.
This airframe, F-PCES (c/n 177), is a
Corsaire 123 with a 75hp Régnier engine.
It was recovered in 2016 from a hangar at
Romilly-sur-Seine where it had languished
in poor condition, carrying the name, Ville
de Romilly since 1953. It has been restored
to full ying condition by the Mauboussin
Aéro Collection with a dozen volunteers
based at Sainte-Savine, a village near to
Troyes-Barberey airport. It is nished in a
cream and red colour scheme in place of the
original blue and white.
They also have another Mauboussin
fuselage and a pair of Castel-Mauboussin
gliders, a C.301 and a C.25S which will
now receive attention. Twelve Corsaire
airframes are known to survive, including
seven that are restored and airworthy.
Rod Simpson
New Owner for Sea Fury
A Hawker Sea Fury T.20, WG655, which
was owned for several years by The
Fighter Collection at Duxford, has been
acquired by Shaun Patrick who will
operate it through the Norwegian Spit re
Foundation. The aircraft will remain at
Duxford. Previously registered G-CHFP,
the Sea Fury has been re-registered by
its new owner as G-INVN, and given the
name Invincible. Shaun, who also owns
North American P-51D Mustang The Shark
ew the Sea Fury for the rst time on
August 13, as did the Norwegian out t’s
Lars Ness and Eskil Amdal.
“With so few warbirds left I see identity as
essential,” he adds, alluding to the choice of
name. “The Americans always have a name
for their aircraft and I believe I’ve succeeded
in giving the only RAF-schemed Mustang
an identity as The Shark, rather than just
KH774. Americans race Sea Furies known
as Furias and Dreadnought, and famously
there’s an R2800-powered Sea Fury known
as Argonaut.
“The Hawker Sea Fury was the last
British ghter with a piston engine, and it
served with honour in the Royal Navy. Our
last aircraft carriers to go to war [including
HMS Invincible] were scrapped a few
years ago. I hope to recognise all of this in
identifying an airframe that was raised from
the dead, has a reliable engine installed
and ies in its original Royal Navy colours.
I hope you will see a lot more of Sea Fury
Invincible in the future.”
http://www.norwegianspit re.com
Florida’s Warbird Adventures has become
the rst company to offer passenger ights in
a dual-controlled Curtiss TP-40N Warhawk.
The operator added Warhawk American
Dream to its Kissimmee eet on August
- As well as providing passenger ights,
the TP-40N will also be own at US air
shows. It’s scheduled to make its debut at
the Florida International Air Show in Punta
Gorda from October 19-21.
Owner Thom Richard said: “I’ve toured
various ghters on the display circuit for
years and I can’t tell you how many people
have come up to me and told me the P-
is their absolute favourite aircraft. They
said they would do anything to y one.
Well, we’ve decided to do something to
ful l that dream.”
For more information see: http://www.
Closer to home, Ultimate Warbird Flights
is now offering experience ights in the
UK’s only fully dual-control North American
TF-51D Mustang, 44-84847 Contrary Mary,
from its base at Sywell, Northamptonshire.
Limited slots in the aircraft, which was
formerly painted as Miss Velma, may still
be available for 2018. For information
contact: [email protected] or visit: http://www.
ultimatewarbird ights.com
16 Aviation News incorporating Jets November 2018
New Warbirds Offered
for Experience Flights
Passenger ights can be booked on
Warbird Adventures’ Curtiss TP-40N
Warhawk. Mike Killian Photography
The restored Mauboussin 123 Corsaire, F-PFES, on show at this year’s RSA Rally. Rod Simpson