between the ATR 72 and the Boeing 737. If
you’re looking for anything else in Europe in
the middle of that, other than some of the
Russian equipment, there isn’t anything.”
Westley declared: “Our target now is to
win BACA’s Best Cargo Airline again, but
with the 146 freighters. We would love
to do that.” The QTs were acquired from
ASL Airlines which took over TNT. “So, the
aircraft are all ‘one owner from new’ really,”
Sessions added.
“It really is an exciting time for us. We are
now a ‘grown up’ company”, Green stressed,
noting that the total staff number now
exceeds 100, including freelance workers.
Meanwhile, Jota’s home at London
Southend Airport is showing that the
property business mantra of ‘location,
location, location’ is also applicable to
aviation. For example, on a short-notice call,
the quickest the airline has got an aircraft
from con rmation to London City was a little
over an hour. “That’s the great thing about
being at Southend. It’s a 24-hour airport,
close to London and LCY. So, one of our key
markets is close,” Sessions remarked. “And
the continent,” Green jumped in. “We’re not
far from Amsterdam or the Belgian airports.
Geographically, for an airport from which to
launch, it’s a great place.”
Speed of response can also save scheduled
airlines from compensation payments to
passengers that would be due under EU
Regulation 261/2004. “With EU261, I have a
love/hate relationship,” Green quipped. “We’ve
been on the wrong side of it and it’s hurt, but
also we’ve been on the right side, because
other airlines are petri ed of it. If you like, we
are the ‘EU261 Avoidance System’.
“And it’s reputational of course. Airlines
want to look after their passengers and their
clients. But if you operate late all the time,
people aren’t going to re-book with you. We
therefore prevent reputational damage.”
A couple of years ago, CityJet took on a
long-term deal with SAS which required it 27
Right: Interior of BAe 146-200, G-SMLA, in a
95-seat con guration. Bernie Baldwin
Below right: Some of the all-leather business
class seats the carrier uses when its 50-seat
VIP layout is requested. Bernie Baldwin
Two examples of the eet at the carrier’s home base – London Southend Airport. Bernie Baldwin