
(Ben Green) #1

http://www.MS-Sportsman.com April 2015 | Mississippi Sportsman 11

29th annual

Gorenflo Cobia


One of the Mississippi Gulf Coast’s greatest traditions
and most-prestigious local tournaments, the one-day
Gorenflo Cobia Shootout will be held for the 29th
year at Gorenflo’s Tackle and Marina Store at Point
Cadet Harbor in Biloxi.
The April 25 event is timed to coincide with the
annual migration of cobia into Mississippi waters for
the spawn. The state record of 106 pounds, 13 ounces
was caught by Randy McDaniel during the 1996
Gorenflo’s will also hold its 29th annual cobia tour-
nament May 2-3 at Point Cadet Harbor.
Information on the two tournaments will be posted
Bobby Clevelandat gorenflostackle.com. ■

Sale Price

$8500 + tax

In April, when the big female cobia migrate into
Mississippi waters to spawn off the barrier island
bars, the average weight of fish hooked heads up,
as these 60-pounders attest.
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