
(Jeff_L) #1
Top Flight EW LLC wants to go public right away
and is seeking Securities and Finance Lawyers and/
or Securities Capital Markets Law Firms with a great
track record of successfully taking private
companies public by doing reverse mergers
with currently reporting, and currently
trading, OTC public shell companies.

The Securities and Finance Lawyers and or
Securities Capital Markets Law Firms must own
and/or have control of currently reporting,
and currently trading, OTC publicly traded shell
companies available to conduct a reverse merger.

The Securities and Finance Lawyers and/or
Securities Capital Markets Law Firm must have
a great track record of successfully raising huge
amounts capital for these public companies.

The Securities and Finance Lawyers and/or
Securities Capital Markets Law Firms will receive
payment for legal services and all costs
associated of going public in the form of stock
and with equity in the companies after the reverse

merger with public shell companies are successfully

completed and the capital raised for public shell
companies is successfully completed.

Please contact Top Flight EW at 404-917-7308
or http://www.topflightew.webs.com.

April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 63
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