Practical Boat Owner - January 2016

(nextflipdebug5) #1
Practical projects

Readers’ Tips

Without a leg to stand on
At last: a practical justifi cation for getting legless. Peter Eade demonstrates the simple but ingenious adaptation which enabled him to remove the obtrusive legs from his tiller table AROUND£20COST
Hwe found they got in the way when seating four people. By fiunderside of the table top it fiere is a detailed drawing and photo of the much-used tiller table on our Kelt 9M. It started out with legs, but tting brackets to the ts nicely onto
the tiller and is clamped into position: the tiller is centralised with a Tiller Tamer.

Iropes, the outboard motor and other items that are out on deck in summer. If, in the course of n the winter your boat’s cabin is fi lled with fenders, anchors,
winter maintenance, you want to go into a locker to look for a tool, you have to move all the gear – then you’ll want a spare
part which is inevitably in a locker under all the gear that has just been moved.The obvious solution is to take
all the gear off the boat; but then, where do we store it? My fithought was to buy a garden shed, but that costs money. The rst
next idea was to use one of those large plastic boxes you see in garden centres. They also cost money, but I realised I already
had a plastic storage bin in the garden – a wheelie bin which collects biodegrable recyclable material. The hedge trimmings
and grass cuttings go in during the summer, but by September this job is done so the bin is redundant all winter.


water in October, all the fenders, ropes, outboard motor etc can be stored in the wheelie bin. When When the boat comes out the
the spring comes, all the gear goes back on the boat. The fender storage unit can then revert to being a garden waste bin. If
there is insuffiyour neighbours will also have redundant wheelie bins which cient volume,

they might be glad to get away from their door for the winter.contents are recycled in the This is multiple recycling. The
summer and the use of the bins recycled in the winter, and no trees need to be chopped down to build a garden shed. This is
not only free, but is also environmentally friendly.Nic Cameron

Tbedding aired. These cushions have a fabric back so moisture can get to the plywood under his is a very simple and cheap way to keep the
the bunk, but you can keep them away from the wood by placing empty water bottles

18mm ply table top
18mm ply 25x50mm softwoodTiller shown dotted
Table clamped to tiller with M6 stainless steel rod and wing nuts

MATERIALS:18mm WBP plywood25x50 PAR softwoodM6 stainless steel threaded rod
M6 washers and wing nutsBrass wood screws
adjusted to suit the height of tiller and tableThis dimension

Front support hooked adjusted to suit the height of tiller and tableThis dimension
over the tiller

Peter’s tiller table

between them. (Sadly, some cushions have vinyl backing, which means the moisture stays in the cushion. Yuck!)
Andy Nelson
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