
(nextflipdebug5) #1



We sail to Sumbawa, the larger neighbouring island,
and head into Wera village to see traditional wooden
phinisi sailing boats being built. The yacht heads north
to anchor off Pulau Sangeang, a volcanic outcrop,
where you can snorkel in hot bubbles coming off the
reef – it’s like swimming in a glass of Champagne. Then
it’s real Champagne and canapés as the sun sets.

It’s time to try the challenging
drift dives between Komodo and
Flores, such as Tatawa Besar and
Tatawa Kecil. These sites have
walls of soft orange corals where
the current flows, and large
hard-plate corals in the calm
areas, where you can see the
occasional blue ribbon eel and
colourful, slug-like nudibranchs.
Guests enjoy cocktails in the late
afternoon as we sail to Horseshoe
Bay, between the southern tip of
Rinca Island and Pulau Kode.

The yacht heads to Manta Alley, on the
southern side of Komodo. Depending on
the manta ray activity, guests may want
to spend the entire day here. Or, they can
explore other dive sites, such as German
Flag, before sailing to Rinca later.

We anchor off the park
headquarters at Rinca, where
guests take a guided morning
trek to see the Komodo dragons.
In early afternoon the yacht
sails back to Labuan Bajo,
where guests can pick up some
keepsakes: bartering for pearls
and wooden carvings of dragons
with the locals, who come out to
the yacht on anything that floats.
Sip a cold Bintang beer in the
Paradise Bar as the sun sets.

Departure day. Guests can see the whole
lot again, from the air. Those interested
in a bit more adventure can sail on east
to Maumere, where they’ll see the elusive
mandarin fish and the three different
coloured lakes of the Kelimutu volcano.
It’s a fairly long sail (160nm) but the water
is generally blue and whales and dolphins
can often be seen en route.

The yacht meets guests
at Labuan Bajo, Flores,
before setting sail for the
northern side of Komodo.
En route we have an easy
afternoon dive or snorkel
at Golden Passage, a great
drift dive – you’ll see
colourful soft corals
and plenty of turtles.
Dinner is served on board,
with Komodo’s rugged
cliffs as a backdrop.

We head to the north of Komodo and the
famous Castle Rock dive site. The current
here can be strong, so use a reef-hook
to anchor yourself and enjoy the parade
of schooling trevally jacks, grey reef sharks
and clouds of fusiliers. Guests stroll on the
beach in late afternoon (maintaining a safe
distance from any dragons) and the yacht
anchors in the bay for the night.

We spend the day
anchored in Horseshoe
Bay. Guests look out
for passing dragons and
jump into the tender to
go to the beach when a
good photo opportunity
arrives. An afternoon
dive at Cannibal Rock
means you can see the
unusual sea apple, lots
of tunicates and feather
stars. Beware: the water
is cold here.



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