
(avery) #1


The class is designed
to help women feel
more comfortable
handling boats, teach-
ing them these skills in
a relaxed, judgment-
free atmosphere —
away, even, from their

“Once you get a woman
in that stress-free zone, she
tends to pick up boating
basics pretty quickly,”
says Capt. Rusty Pearsall,
a corporate captain for
MarineMax. Pearsall is
the leader of the class I’m
attending on a windy day in
Venice, Florida.
“For the most part,
women are more careful
and don’t blame everyone
around them for their
mistakes,” Pearsall tells us,

smiling. “I’m not saying it’s a
fact of life — just saying.”

First, the Paperwork
The class is divided into
two portions: an hour in
the classroom, and then a
much longer portion spent
on the water, practicing the
skills Pearsall taught us in
class. But on this Saturday,
the wind and waves are just
too high to teach a bunch of
inexperienced people how to
drive a boat.
So this first day, we stick
to the classroom. We learn
a general overview of the
Intracoastal Waterway. We
learn how to read channel
markers and basic knot

tying, both the bowline knot
and the clove hitch. Pearsall
leads us through this fairly
informally, as the most
important part would take
place on the water.
Fast-forward seven
days to another Saturday
in Venice, and Pearsall
has kindly reconvened the
class. This time it’s a perfect
65-degree day with calm
seas. Today we don’t even
look at the classroom — we
head straight for the docks.

Docking 101
Because most of my boating
experience is fishing from
an aluminum jon boat,
which would probably

damage a dock considerably
more than the dock would
damage it if the two met in
a less-than-gentle manner,
the Sea Ray’s unblemished
fiberglass unsettles me
a little bit. It’s not that I
thought MarineMax would
put us boat-driving newbies
in an old clunker for the
class — it’s just that I would
have felt better if it did.
But Pearsall isn’t worried.
“Aah, you’re not going to
hurt anything,” he repeats to
me and the rest of the class
any time we act nervous
about our lack of experience.
(Later he does, however,
let it slip that MarineMax
employs a full-time


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