Cruising World - February 2016

(Sean Pound) #1






We cruise in Mexico, known for its cold cervezas, warm inhabitants and
hot temperatures. The weather typically starts heating up by April or
May, which is when we fi nd ourselves becoming less inclined to cook
aboard our Westsail 42, Outrider. Our thoughts then turn to meals
and snacks that require minimal fuss and little to no cooking. § En-
ter vegetables, particularly marinated ones. Readily available in bigger
towns, fresh vegetables of some sort can usually be found in smaller
villages too. Properly treated and carefully stored, many last for long
stretches, providing fresh produce on board most of the time. § Mar-
inated vegetables are easy to prepare, and they don’t require cooking
unless you’re so inclined. They off er versatility and variety: speared
with toothpicks and served as an appetizer; threaded on skewers and
grilled on the barbecue; roasted in the oven for a side dish; or simply
served as is, as a salad. Any way you slice (or serve) them, they taste
good — and they’re good for you. — Anne E. Mott


1 1 / 4 cup small whole mush-
1 cup cherry tomatoes
1 cup red bell pepper
1 cup yellow or orange
bell pepper (optional)
1 cup green bell pepper
1 cup zucchini
1 cup red onion


(^1) / 4 cup lemon juice
(^1) / 2 cup olive oil
(^1) / 4 cup balsamic vinegar
1-2 cloves garlic, fi nely
1-2 teaspoons sugar (to
Salt and pepper, to taste
(^1) / 4 teaspoon dried basil
or^1 / 4 cup fresh basil,
Halve mushrooms and cherry
tomatoes. Cut remaining vegeta-
bles into bite-size pieces.
Set aside. Measure marinade
ingredients into small bowl and
whisk. Place vegetables and
marinade in a large resealable
bag and refrigerate for one to
two hours minimum (the longer
the better), rotating the bag
often to coat the vegetables
with marinade.
Remove vegetables from mari-
nade with a slotted spoon, and
place in a bowl. (If you plan
to grill or roast them, reserve
marinade.) To serve as is: Spear
with toothpicks and serve as
an appetizer, or arrange on a
platter, garnish with fresh basil
leaves, and serve as a salad. To
grill: Skewer veggies and grill
over medium heat for six to
eight minutes, or until they are
browned. Turn often, brushing
frequently with reserved mari-
nade. To roast: Spread vegetables
in a shallow, lightly oiled roasting
pan. Roast at 450 degrees F until
tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Serves three to four.
Switch It Up
You can vary both the vegetables and the marinade to create diff erent fl avors. For a more exotic fl air, add
cooked corn on the cob, sliced in rings, and one cup canned pineapple chunks (reserve juice for marinade).
You can vary the marinade by omitting lemon, oil and vinegar, and adding^3 / 4 cup Italian salad dressing;^1 / 4
cup pineapple juice; three tablespoons fresh cilantro or tarragon, fi nely chopped; and^1 / 4 teaspoon fresh
ginger, chopped.
If you’re grilling, wipe the grill with oil before heating to prevent the vegetables from sticking. If using
bamboo skewers, soak them in water for an hour before assembling kebabs.
P ople &ople

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