Cruising Helmsman – June 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

Pantaenius – here for you,

when you need us most.

Sydney · Phone +61-(0)2-9936 1670



The trauma and triage of Debbie

Cyclone Debbie was very much a case of careful and considerate triage and
trauma management at Pantaenius. There were raw emotions to deal with,
which required large amounts of compassion and patience. So what was it
like through their eyes, both as the first team on the ground, and in an office
where the phone rang white-hot?
“On the preceding Friday night we sent an email out to all our clients ad-
vising them that we were with them all the way, and to take all the necessary
precautions”, said Michaela Backes. “On Monday another email went out
with all the latest information, and if they did not need urgent help, to use
the link to our claim form.”
“It was eerily quiet on the Wednesday and even Thursday morning”, said
Dani Blackmore. “After that we got our downpour, and what a torrent of
stories and emotions it was! It was very evident that everybody needed to
express their own unique experiences, and these just had to be told.”
Blackmore then added, “Normally a call is four or five minutes long, but
they were easily lasting 20 minutes. There were so many that it is still a huge
compactus of information. One the first to call in was a liveaboard couple in
their fifties were. They were down at their boat after staying ashore, and found
their sloop was pinned between two huge fishing trawlers. Even though they
had completed thorough preparation, the roof of a trawler had come off, and
taken away their rig with it.”
“The finger of the wharf to which they were all still attached was upside
down, and the oysters on the trawlers were now creating an awful stink.
They were concerned that there was a lot of rubbing on their steel hull, and
it was adding to their sense of helplessness, for they could not get the large
commercial boats off them. They were upbeat after talking with us, and that
was very touching, however.”
Backes added, “We made sure we were all very patient. It was hectic, but ter-
rific to be there for them, as it certainly calmed everyone down. Spending time
meant we could explain relative nature of claims; a scratch versus laid up on the
beach, and how prioritisation was the key.”
So yes there are a lot of claims, and they have now all been categorised and
placed in a queue, like any good triage centre. “We are now we getting our
quotes in, and ensuring it all fits with what we need for compliance. We have a
claims process we must follow, but we do feel that by being proactive from the
outset has made it as workable and quick as it can be. Most clients tell us how
proud they are that they chose Pantaenius, and that is the best measure we
could ask for!”
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