Classic Boat — November 2017

(Romina) #1


Makes: 1 loaf (serves 10–12)

•   325ml (1 ⅓ cups) warm water (or
according to bread mix packet
• 500g (1lb 2oz) packet white bread mix
• 1 tsp salt
• Strong white flour, for dusting

1 Pour the water into the bread pan. (For a
good-shaped cottage loaf, the dough needs
to be firm enough for the bottom round
to support the top piece without sagging,
so you may not need to add all the water.)
Sprinkle over the bread mix, covering the
water completely. Close the lid, set the
machine to “Dough” and press Start.

2 Meanwhile, grease or flour two baking
sheets and set aside. When the dough is
ready, remove it from the machine, knock
it back on a lightly floured surface, then
cut off one third of the dough. Shape each
portion into plump balls and place each

one on a baking sheet. Cover and leave to
rise in a warm place until doubled in size.

3 Preheat the oven to 220°C (Gas Mark 7,
425°F). Gently flatten the balls of dough and
carefully place the smaller ball on top of the
larger one. Gently push the floured handle
of a wooden spoon down through the
centre of the dough to join the two pieces
together, then slightly enlarge the hole with
your fingers. Leave to rest for 5–10 minutes.

4 Dissolve the salt in 1 tablespoon of hot
water, then lightly brush over the loaf and
dust with a little flour. Using a sharp knife,
make slashes around the top and base of
the bread.

5 Bake for about 30–35 minutes, or until
the bread is golden brown and sounds
hollow when tapped underneath. Transfer
to a wire rack to cool.
6 Give the dough a single fold, cover and
leave to prove for another 2 hours, or until
almost doubled in size.

7 Dust a proving basket well with flour.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured
work surface and shape to fit the basket.
Place the dough seam-side up in the
basket, cover and leave to prove at room
temperature for 1 hour.

8 Heat the oven to 230°C (Gas Mark 8,
450°F) with a baking stone or baking sheet
in place. Turn the dough out onto a peel
and slide it onto the baking stone. Bake
for 10 minutes, then turn the oven down
to 200°C (Gas Mark 6, 400°F) and bake for
a further 20 minutes, checking halfway
through that it is not browning too quickly.

  • Recipes and images extracted from I Love My Bread
    Machine by Anne Sheasaby
    Copyright @ Watkins Media Ltd 2009, 2017
    Text Copyright @ Anne Sheasaby 2009, 2017
    Photography copyright @ Watkins Media Ltd 2009, 2017

Beautiful Breads


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