Pontoon & Deck Boat Magazine — July 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

http://www.pdbmagazine.com Pontoon & Deck Boat July (^201725)
Through the years, the Szczypiorskis have
explored lakes in Indiana and particularly
loved Lake Wawasee and Lake Webster, but
Hudson Lake will always be considered home.
“With Beverly and I keeping her father’s
place on Hudson Lake when he passed in
1995, we keep the boat there. We are fortunate
to live only 15 minutes away so we boat there
every weekend that Mother Nature allows in
northern Indiana.”
And with his father having served in Korea
and grandson currently in the Navy, service is
another thing that runs in the family.
Ron boats with his 4-year-old son Nick
in 1988 onboard the 1985 San Pan.
In 1989, Ron had to have his truck painted to match
the boat! And when the next boat was teal, you can
bet the truck’s color soon followed.
Says his daughter, Lori, “My dad has always been meticulous
on how he takes care of things, and the time and effort he puts
into maintaining his belongings is second to none.”

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