Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1

24 Saltwater Boat Angling

Charter Boat Reports

Steve Sweet, skipper of Amaretto IV
reports from Lyme Regis
Lyme’s first Couch’s bream
This year has probably been the best autumn fishing yet in the prolific Lyme
Bay reserve.
The bream fishing has been spectacular, with not only plenty of fish, but also
a good scattering of larger ones which always keeps anglers on edge. The
best bait is probably half a small squid head. Small squid strips, mackerel
and rag have produced too. The secret of making sure you hook as many as
possible is small sharp hooks and if you are lucky enough to be drawn in the
back of the boat then you can reduce your lead size and trot your bait down-
tide, gently lifting and lowering
the rod to skip the lead off the
You can do the same from the
side of the boat if you have the
new generation of long match
rods to hold your bait clear of
anglers down-tide of you. This
year we have had, to my knowledge, the first Lyme Regis recorded catch of
Couch’s bream. Tony Sweet (pictured) caught two. We’re hopeful they will return
in greater numbers and larger sizes next year as they certainly punch well
above their weight.
Should you tire of catching bream, a strange concept I know, then rag tipped
with squid fished hard on the bottom will bring in a good haul of plaice. Again,
trotting down-tide works well. Larger baits will bring in rays (undulate,
thornback, spotted and small eyed) as well as bull huss. Other species that
regularly show are pollack, bass, gurnards (red, tub & the rarer grey) and of
course mackerel which of late have been the size of small tuna!!!
All of this within five miles of Lyme Regis!  Contact: Steve Sweet, Amaretto
Sport Fishing

Frank Taylor
3Ib Bream

Tony Sweet
with 2

The Tyne, JFKII,
Allan Skinner
Allan Skinner with the "JFK Two" out
of the Tyne had over fifty fish on one
Saturday trip with a mixed bag of
ling and cod. Among the catch were
four double-figure ling, with the best
one weighing in at 15lbs 8oz and
taken by Alan Black (pictured). The
anglers aboard also had pollack to
8lb and cod to over 7lb.  On the
following Sunday it was very windy,
but Allan took his party close inshore
onto the hard ground and managed
to boat some over codling up to 7 lb.
Contact Allan on 07808684358

North east Charter
reports from Sam
Harris MBE
Some decent fish were taken at the
start of the month before the gales
put a stop to things. A private boat
out of Hartlepool fished the hard
ground close in off
Skinningrove. Among the catch of
twenty-eight fish was a ling of 17lb
8oz and a brace of double figure
cod. The Yellow Can off St/ Mary's is
still giving decent catches of codling
to 6 lb plus whiting, pouting and
wrasse on a variety of baits.  
Further north Amble boats are still
managing a few codling off
Cresswell and the Back of the

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