Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1
A note about a ‘situation’
encountered by Mark Vale
skipper of Shoreham based
boat She Likes it II
We’ve often stated that charter
boat and their skippers are the
‘lifeblood’ of the sea angling business. Without these guys
and gals tens of thousands of anglers would never get the
opportunity to sample the sport on offer
around our coasts.
Most skippers on the south coast have
now got used to the construction
disruption caused by the Rampion wind
farm 8 miles off the Sussex coast. While
under construction all boats were
banned from entering the area. So, all
the skippers trade was being restricted
and along with a lot of other commercial
users of the sea. One skipper, Mark Vale
based in Shoreham on She Likes It II
quite understandably applied for, what
was modest, compensation for
disruption to his business.
He was somewhat surprised that he has had his
application for this compensation refused by E ON.
Instead, the company advised him, in a message
delivered via his local MP Tim Loughton, to take
advantage of the “opportunities and benefits” available to
him in taking sightseers around the project.
Compensation has been paid by the developers to
commercial fishing and dive boats but not to angling
charter boats.
So, Mark then contacted the Angling Trust legal team at
Fish Legal who made representations on his behalf and
submitted a complaint to the Information Commissioner
after E. ON refused to supply environmental information

in connection with this enquiry, following a subsequent
ruling an “’Information Notice’ was served by the ICO. 
As Mark says “The Rampion construction site is having a
significant impact on the inshore areas I have traditionally
fished and taken my customers to. Within the wind farm
itself, there are numerous fishing marks and shipwrecks
which in the course of a fishing season I would take my
customers to. Again, because of construction activities
and cables lying on the sea
floor, this has not been
possible. I do not believe it is
too much to ask to be
treated as fairly as
commercial boats in the area
and to receive the same
recognition they have.”
Well said Mark!
Frankly it is ridiculous that he
is not treated in the same
way as other commercial
vessels operating in the area
and the response of E. ON
was that they were
“unwilling to consider what they term ‘co-operation
payments’ in Sussex Fishing’s case.”
As Fish Legal put it “It’s plainly ridiculous for E. ON to
suggest that our member should change his business
from recreational fishing to becoming a tour boat for
wind farm tourists. They should pay him reasonable
compensation and stop refusing to provide
environmental information, which both we and the
Information Commissioner believe they are required to
do by law.”
So, this leaves Rampion with a potential PR disaster and
Mark out of pocket – a sorry situation for all parties.
We’ll keep you posted.

Saltwater Boat Angling 27

Mark Vale - She Likes It II

She Likes it II ready to go


ntil recent weather turned boats fishing close
inshore in the north east had been doing quite
well with codling averaging 3lb to 5lb with the
odd bigger fish coming to the net.  Unfortu-
nately, the majority of catches have been undersized
codling, but mixed in with them there have been pouting,
coalfish, wrasse and some decent whiting.  

Good baits have been crab, lug, mackerel strip and worm
baits with Sidewinders accounting for the bigger fish.The
best areas have been out of Amble, the back of the Co-
quet Island and off Cresswell Carrs. Further south boats

fishing the Yellow Can area have had some decent sport,
while Sunderland boats have had their best catches close
in off Marsden and to the south of the harbour.

The Tyne charter boat "Kelsey Leigh" has had some de-
cent fish recently. Gateshead angler Anthony Brown had
ten double-figure fish including a 16lb cod and 17lb
ling. Kelsey leigh is a 36ft Pro Charter berthed in the Royal
Quays, North Shields, She is fully licensed and
insured. You can contact the Skipper, Lee on
0797-4252450. Lee is planning to do some up-tiding
over the winter months so if you fancy that get in touch. 

Corporate absurdity

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