you have finished, and the file will appear in the main
window with playback, sharing and delete options.
You can use the video editor on your phone to
trim the start and end points accordingly.
Older Android devices
It’s worth pointing out that it’s only been
possible to take screenshots on Android
without rooting the device since
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Most
of us are using newer versions of the
OS now, but there are still some legacy
Android devices kicking around.
You can see which version of
Android you’re running in the Settings,
About device menu. If you’re running
Gingerbread or an even older version
of Android you’ll need to download an
app to take a screenshot. This is where
things get a little confusing as the effectiveness of the
screenshot apps on offer vary from phone to phone.
If you’re willing to pay for an app – and you don’t
want to go through the hassle of rooting your Android
device – you should try an app such as No Root
Screenshot It (£2.99 from tinyurl.com/ydxf5L6b).
Bear in mind that “This application will instruct
you to download and install a free desktop
application on your Windows or Mac. Once installed,
you must run the desktop application with your
phone attached to your computer. This will enable
screenshots on your phone.”