Poetry Translating as Expert Action Processes, priorities and networks

(Amelia) #1

 Poetry Translating as Expert Action

Figure 37. Toen wij, Version 3 (Irene, Draft 2; Line and Stanza numbers added)

each Line, and Line 1 was not even their most time-consuming (8% and 11% of
tape-units respectively)^15.

5.3.5 Micro-sequences and foci Shared features

Each macro-sequence involved, on average, 2.7 strategic micro-sequences – plus,
typically, one or more non-strategic micro-sequences. Average strategic micro-
sequence length was 9.2tu (1m), with no significant difference between translators
or drafts^16. Translators, therefore, managed their work similarly at this level too.
Figure 39 displays the percentage of overall tape-units spent on the various
micro-sequence foci. Figure 40 shows that this picture does not vary significantly
between translators or between drafts: correlations between translators range from
a moderately strong .73 to a near-perfect .98, and correlations between drafts are a

  1. Shapiro-Wilk statistic: Fleur 0.96, p 0.76; Irene 0.96, p 0.71 – both not significant.

  2. Repeated-measures ANOVA F 1.69, p 0.23 (translators) and F 0.59, p 0.58 (drafts).

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