Sunday Magazine – August 25, 2019

(Michael S) #1

S MAGAZINE ★ 25 AUGUST 2019 77

Russell Grant

What does this week hold for you?

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Richard Gere,
August 31,


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Call one of my dedicated astrologers for a
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Sagittarius NOV 23 - DEC 21

A love-at-first-sight encounter may be among the
exciting possibilities heading your way. Don’t
rush things, though. Play a waiting game. A new
hobby could open the way to travel but make
sure you take someone special along, too.

Scorpio OCT 24 - NOV 22

Always be polite and gracious, it will bring good
fortune and somebody will be grateful for your
kindness. Consider making some financial
changes. A friend or relative may give advice,
but you will need to consider all options.

Libra SEPT 24 - OCT 23

Family and friends may be surprised at your
energy as you focus your efforts and enthusiasm
on one project. But this is a matter very close
to your heart. Your flexible and fun-loving nature
is making you pretty popular right now.

Capricorn DEC 22 - JAN 20

If nothing seems to be going your way, take a
step back. You won’t make progress if you’re
feeling drained and exhausted. You might even
consider looking for a new job – one that will
give you more time with family and friends.

Aquarius JAN 21 - FEB 19

Changes are coming thick and fast at the
moment and while this makes you nervous, you
can be confident that everything will work out
for the best. You have a talent for transforming
old objects into something quite stunning.

Taurus APR 21 - MAY 21

Your imagination has gone into overdrive as you
come up with one exciting idea after another.
Talk these through with friends who will be keen
to support you. Laying solid foundations now will
save you a lot of time and effort in future.

Aries MAR 21 - APR 20

Timing is critical if you are considering launching
a new project or idea. You will recognise the
right moment for making your move, but in the
meantime continue to give behind-the-scenes
support. You’re currently in an impulsive mood.

Pisces FEB 20 - MAR 20

You might think you’re spending too much time
in pointless meetings, but you need to stay on
the right side of your boss – so play the game
and look attentive and positive. If you are single,
an old flame will come back into your life.

Gemini MAY 22 - JUN 21

Something in your past might be stopping
you from taking a risk but you will never know
whether you have it in you to succeed unless
you try. Use your head, pace yourself and you’ll
soon come to believe that anything is possible.

Leo JUL 24 - AUG 23

Don’t hold back when it comes to pitching
fresh ideas to your boss. Your initiative will
impress everyone around you and could lead to
promotion. Discussing your hopes with someone
you love could lead to some exciting changes.

Cancer JUN 22 - JUL 23

Romance is about to take a positive turn. If
you’re looking for love, though, you’ll meet fresh
faces, professionally and socially, if you take up
new activities. You will also make some good
friends. A long-held dream could come true soon.

Virgo AUG 24 - SEPT 23

Now is a good time for a fresh start on the
domestic front. This could mean beginning a
family, renovating your home or moving house.
A nasty piece of gossip is doing the rounds at
work. Ignore it. These are just spiteful rumours.
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