Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Methods and Protocols

(sharon) #1

  1. Quench trypsin by adding at least 3 volumes of 10% fetal
    bovine serum (FBS) containing medium (see Note 21).

  2. Pellet cells by centrifugation for 5 min at 200 × g. Aspirate
    medium, wash cells with serum—medium, mix well with
    pipette, and save 50 μl aliquot of cells for counting. Pellet cells
    by centrifugation for 5 min at 200 × g for final resuspension in
    serum free medium according to cell count for mice

  3. Count the viable cell number by trypan blue viability test using
    hemocytometer before the final suspension in medium. Add
    50 μl of trypan blue to 50 μl of saved aliquots of cells, mix well,
    and count cells using the hemocytometer.

  4. Centrifuge cells at 200 × g for 5 min to pellet cells. Then remove
    the medium and resuspend the cells in the medium without
    serum at concentrations of 10 × 105 per 200 μl of medium for
    subcutaneous xenograft model and 10 × 105 to 10 × 106 cells
    per ml of medium for intraperitoneal xenograft model. Keep the
    suspended cells on ice before injection into mice (see Note 22).

  5. Do all mouse experiments using protocols in accordance with
    the standards and guidelines of the Institutional Animal Care
    and Use Committee (IACUC) of the relevant institutions and
    national regulations. Maintain all mice under pathogen free
    barrier conditions (see Note 23).

  6. Agitate the cell suspension in 50 ml Falcon tube to prevent the
    cells from settling and draw up into the syringe (1 ml tubercu-

lin syringe) and needle (25 G × (^1) 1/2), the amount of cells in
serum free medium (200 μl, 10 × 105 per 200 μl of medium)
to be administered (see Note 24).

  1. Hair removal from the flanks of SCID mice should be done
    with electrical clipper before subcutaneous injection of cells
    (see Note 25). You need two persons to perform the subcuta-
    neous injection properly. Gently remove the animal from the
    cage and restrain appropriately with holding the skin over the
    neck with one hand and the leg with another hand. Identify
    anatomical landmarks in order to inject cells into the appropri-
    ate area of the flank.

  2. Insert the long needle (25 G × (^1) 1/2) into the subcutaneous
    space of the flank and slowly inject the cells creating a single
    bubble of cells beneath the skin (see Note 26).

  3. Randomly group mice (usually n = 5 per group) when the mice
    have measurable tumor size, usually 2 weeks after injection of

  4. Treat mice intraperitoneally with vehicle, paclitaxel (20 mg/
    kg, two times a week for 2 weeks) [ 23 ] or carboplatin (50 mg/
    kg, two times a week for 2 weeks) [ 24 ].

3.2 Preparation
of Mice
and Subcutaneous
Injection of Cancer

3.3 Subcutaneous
Tumor Growth Assay

Xenograft Models of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
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