This system has not been included in the AJCC staging
manual 8th edition [ 1 ].
The Stolte system has an additional subdivision for muco-
sal invasion, accounting for reduplication of the muscularis
mucosa (a common finding in Barrett mucosa) as follows [ 5 ]:
- M1 Carcinoma limited to the lamina propria of the
Barrett’s mucosa. - M2 Infiltration of the carcinoma into the newly formed
(neo-) superficial/inner muscularis mucosae of the Barrett
mucosa. - M3 Infiltration into the space between the superficial and
deep layers of muscularis mucosae. - M4 Infiltration into the original (outer/deep) muscularis
mucosae of the esophageal mucosae.
Fig. 3 (a) Series of sections of an entire endoscopic resection processed (note blue ink indicating the deep
resection margin). (b) An intramucosal adenocarcinoma (note blue ink indicating the deep resection margin)
Cut Up for EMR of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma