Fruit and Vegetable Quality

(Greg DeLong) #1

traceuticals have gained some attention in relation to genetic engineer-
ing attempts to improve or modify the quality of agricultural and horti-
cultural produce. Table 2.3 gives an as yet incomplete summary of
known phytonutrients and attempts towards their modification via ge-
netic engineering.
For example, by genetically manipulating the carotenoid pathway a
range of different quality parameters such as contents of solids, vitamin
A, antioxidative compounds, or fruit color may be altered. This has been

Genetic Engineering of Traits Affecting Quality 33

Phytochemical Ascribed Effect

Carotenoids cancersimmune system;UV protection;
antioxidant; some are vitamin A precursors
(-, - and ε-carotene)
Vitamin A antioxidant; essential nutritive
Desaturated fatty acids LDL-choleresterol
Resveratrol cardiovascular disease
Tocopherol antioxidant;liver detoxification enzyme
Phytoestrogens breast cancer
Hemicellulose binding of gallic acid
Glucosinolates liver detoxification;immune
L-carnitine fatty acid transport across mitochondrial
Epitopes of surface immune response (“edible vaccines”)
proteins from
pathogenic microbes
Epitopes of auto- immune response (“edible vaccines”)

Other applications

Elimination of allergens transgenic elimination of known potent food
allergens (e.g., rice allergen; glutene in
wheat flour)
Increase of phytase digestibility of feed and food;availability
of phosphorous

Table 2.3. Current Genetic Engineering of Plants for Higher
Contents of Phytochemicals.

,Increasing or decreasing effect, respectively.

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