The AHA Guidelines and Scientifi c Statements Handbook
Mesenteric arteries
Physicians should recognize that unlike acute mesen-
teric ischemia, chronic mesenteric ischemia due to
atherosclerotic disease is well-suited for evaluation by
MRA. Knowledge of the appropriate pulse sequence to
use for this disorder is essential. MRA can recognize
anatomic variations and celiac artery pseudostenosis,
and for examining the extent and nature of external
compression on mesenteric arteries or veins.
MR venography
MR venography visualizes the major venous sinuses,
allowing visualization of occlusive disease associated
with infarction.
Whole body MRA
The clinical value of whole body MRA has not yet
been systematically tested in large populations.
References available online at
During the production of this book these relevant
AHA statements and guidelines were published:
Safety of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients
With Cardiovascular Devices, http://circ.ahajournals.
org/cgi/content/full/116/24/2878; Noninvasive Coro-
nary Artery Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Angiogra-
phy and Multidetector Computed Tomography