The AHA Guidelines and Scientific Statements Handbook

(vip2019) #1

The AHA Guidelines and Scientifi c Statements Handbook

and subgroup analyses of clinical trial populations
based on EF have not been consistent in their implica-
tions. Substantial differences between guidelines have
resulted. However, no trial has randomized patients
with an intermediate range of EFs. For instance, there
is no trial that has specifi cally studied patients with an
LVEF between 31% and 35%, yet recommendations
have been set for such patients on the basis of data
derived from trials that studied groups with EFs less
than or equal to 30%, others that enrolled patients
with an EF less than or equal to 35%, and one trial
that enrolled patients with an EF less than or equal to
40%. Recognizing these inconsistencies, recommen-
dations were constructed to apply to patients with an
EF less than or equal to a range of values. The highest
appropriate class of recommendation was then based
on all trials that recruited patients with EFs within this
range. In this way, potential confl icts between guide-
lines were reduced and errors due to drawing false
conclusions relating to unstudied patient groups were

Class I
1 An implantable cardioverter-defi brillator (ICD)
is indicated for patients with VF or hemodynami-
cally signifi cant sustained VT more than 2 days after
STEMI, provided the arrhythmia is not judged to be
due to transient or reversible ischemia or reinfarc-
tion. (Level of Evidence: A)
2 ICD therapy is recommended for primary pre-
vention to reduce total mortality by a reduction in
SCD in patients with LV dysfunction due to prior
MI who are at least 40 d post-MI, have an LVEF less
than or equal to 30% to 40%, are NYHA functional
class II or III, are receiving chronic optimal medical
therapy, and who have reasonable expectation of
survival with a good functional status for more than
1 y. (Level of Evidence: A) [From 2006 VA & SCD

Class IIa
Implantation of an ICD is reasonable in patients
with LV dysfunction due to prior MI who are at least
40 d post-MI, have an LVEF of less than or equal to
30% to 35%, are NYHA functional class I on chronic
optimal medical therapy, and who have reasonable
expectation of survival with a good functional status
for more than 1 y. (Level of Evidence: B) [From 2006
VA & SCD Guideline]

Class IIb
1 Curative catheter ablation or amiodarone may be
considered in lieu of ICD therapy to improve symp-
toms in patients with LV dysfunction due to prior
MI and recurrent hemodynamically stable VT whose
LVEF is greater than 40%. (Level of Evidence: B)
[From 2006 VA & SCD Guideline]
2 Amiodarone may be reasonable therapy for
patients with LV dysfunction due to prior MI with
an ICD indication, as defi ned above, in patients who
cannot or refuse to have an ICD implanted. (Level
of Evidence: C) [From 2006 VA & SCD Guideline]

Class III
An ICD is not indicated in STEMI patients who do
not experience spontaneous VF or sustained VT
more than 48 hours after STEMI and in whom the
LVEF is greater than 0.40 at least 1 month after
STEMI. (Level of Evidence: C)

  1. Supraventricular arrhythmias/atrial
    fi brillation
    Class I
    1 Sustained atrial fi brillation and atrial fl utter in
    patients with hemodynamic compromise or ongoing
    ischemia should be treated with one or more of the
    a. Synchronized cardioversion with an initial
    monophasic shock of 200 J for atrial fi brillation
    and 50 J for fl utter, preceded by brief general
    anesthesia or conscious sedation whenever possi-
    ble. (Level of Evidence: C)
    b. For episodes of atrial fi brillation that do not
    respond to electrical cardioversion or recur after
    a brief period of sinus rhythm, the use of antiar-
    rhythmic therapy aimed at slowing the ventricu-
    lar response is indicated. One or more of these
    pharmacological agents may be used:
    i. Intravenous amiodarone. (Level of Evi-
    dence: C)
    ii. Intravenous digoxin for rate control prin-
    cipally for patients with severe LV dysfunction
    and heart failure. (Level of Evidence: C)
    2 Sustained atrial fi brillation and atrial fl utter in
    patients with ongoing ischemia but without hemo-
    dynamic compromise should be treated with one or
    more of the following:
    a. Beta-adrenergic blockade is preferred, unless
    contraindicated. (Level of Evidence: C)

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