Data acquisition systems
Diversified Technical Systems’ (Seal
Beach, Calif.) SLICE6 DAS (data acquisi-
tion systems) offer a variety of configu-
rable solutions for vehicle safety testing
including crash, NVH and ride/handling.
to be on-
board or em-
bedded in
the test ar-
ticle, SLICE
systems are
and designed to gather physical mea-
surements in extreme environments.
SLICE supports a variety of external sen-
sors including bridge and IEPE transduc-
ers to collect acceleration, displacement,
strain, pressure, temperature and volt-
age. The modular systems are all high-
shock rated, plus feature onboard signal
conditioning and filtering. With user-
configurable sampling rates up to 1 mil-
lion sps/channel, all data writes directly
to 16GB internal flash memory. For field
testing, there is also an option with IP68-
rated enclosures and connectors making
it impervious to water, dust and -40° to
60°C (-40° to 140°F ) temperatures.
For more information,
visit http://info.hotims.com/73019-467
Modular mobile
measurement system
The compact Ethertronics ETH-
MMW-1000 millimeter measurement
system from AVX Corp. (Fountain Inn,
S.C.) is a cost-effective, accurate and
easily-adaptable portable solution for
testing 5G antennas and other devices
at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequen-
cies. It is suitable for all mmWave sys-
tem development and validation, in-
cluding 5G communications, telecom
industry research and development,
university research and other mobile-
communications and mmWave device
testing. This modular,
mobile, far-field mea-
surement solution of-
fers a shielded envi-
ronment to ensure
stable measurement
Pervasive engineering
simulation solutions
ANSYS (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 2019 R1 makes
simulation more pervasive through its
ease of use and new functionalities. The
new capabilities across ANSYS’ entire
simulation portfolio empower engineers,
regardless of level of expertise, to simu-
late from beginning
to end faster and
more intuitively,
maximizing their
productivity. ANSYS
2019 R1 introduces a
new ANSYS Fluent
user experience built on top of its proven
solver that improves the workflow pro-
cess without compromising accuracy.
Engineers will benefit from the com-
plete, single window solution within
ANSYS Fluent, offering speed and sim-
plicity. The new experience streamlines
the ANSYS Fluent workflow for generat-
ing a mesh from imported computer-
aided designs and removes usability bar-
riers for common tasks, which enables
users to iterate faster with less training.
User-focused enhancements enable
more problem-solving.
For more information,
visit http://info.hotims.com/73019-469
Towing dynamometer
The redesigned RS-40K towing dyna-
mometer (Milwaukee, Wisc.) from Taylor
Dynamometer is a full-featured towing
dynamometer specifically designed for
testing today’s DOT Classes 5 and 6 ve-
hicles, which includes trucks and buses.
A redesign of the RS-40K, which was
inspired by a recent customer testing
Production code generator
dSPACE (Wixom, Mich.) offers Version
4.4 of its production code generator
TargetLink. The main new feature of
TargetLink 4.4 is controller modeling
with MATLAB code. The software also
provides a range of new functions, im-
proved usability, and optimizations that
allow for more efficient and faster pro-
cesses when
testing pro-
code. With a
new optional
module, un-
der license
from MathWorks, TargetLink 4.4 now
meets developers’ requirements to de-
scribe algorithms and behavior directly
with MATLAB code in a Simulink model.
The TargetLink Module for MATLAB
Code can be used to map exactly this
modeling process. For the first time,
production code developers can gener-
ate TargetLink’s C production code di-
rectly from control functions described
with MATLAB code in Simulink models.
Production code generated with
TargetLink can be easily validated and
tested on a dSPACE real-time system
supported by the ConfigurationDesk
implementation software.
For more information,
visit http://info.hotims.com/73019-471
results over a wide frequency range,
requires no up or down frequency con-
version to ensure phase stability and
accuracy and is easy to install and relo-
cate within both new and existing labo-
ratory and production environments.
The ETH-MMW-1000 is a fully anechoic
aluminum enclosure on a mobile chassis
with steerable lifting wheels.
For more information,
visit http://info.hotims.com/73019-468
included a short-
er overall con-
figuration aided
by a single-axle
design. The redesign improved the over-
all versatility of the dyno, therefore im-
proving the testing range and usability
for the customer. Built with a heavy-duty
steel frame, industrial axle and riding on
an air-ride suspension, the RS-40K is
designed to maintain 40,000 N (8,992
lbf*) of constant drawbar force with the
ability to simulate an uphill slope of 25%.
It uses eddy current absorbers with spe-
cial high-temperature coils. *May require
optional ballast
For more information,
visit http://info.hotims.com/73019-470