Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Effects of mutations
Mutations affect virtually all aspects of an organism, ranging from the ability of
a bacterium to metabolize a new substrate to the ability of a person to learn lan-
guage. Despite the huge range of effects that mutations have, they show two gen-
eral features.
The first is pleiotropy, which occurs when a single mutation affects multiple
traits. An extreme example is a type of dwarfism called achondroplasia (FIGURE
4.16), which results from a mutation in a single gene that interferes with the con-
version of cartilage to bone during development. This decreases the size of many
bones in the body, particularly in the arms and legs. It also decreases longevity and
affects many physiological traits.
Virtually all mutations that have phenotypic effects show pleiotropy. Often the
effects are on seemingly unrelated traits. Pleiotropy therefore plays a key role in
evolution: genetic changes that alter one aspect of an organism invariably have
side effects on other aspects (see Chapters 5 and 6).

Mutation is fundamental to genetics and evolution, and
generations of scientists have devoted their careers to its
study. Several strategies have been invented to estimate
mutation rates [11, 13]. The first approach used was pheno-
type screening. Here the investigator examines (“screens”)
a large number of individuals in a laboratory population,
looking for changes in a character caused by a new muta-
tion (for example, changes in the eye color of the fruit fly
Drosophila melanogaster). The mutation rate, μ, is simply
estimated by counting the number of new mutations
found by the total number of individuals. There are sev-
eral drawbacks of this method; among them, we cannot
estimate mutation rates at individual DNA bases, and only
some kinds of organisms can be used.
Another strategy became possible with the advent
of DNA sequencing. The phylogenetic method exploits
the fact that if a segment of chromosome has no effect
on fitness, it will accumulate mutations at a rate of μ per
generation (as we will see in Chapter 7). Two species that
last shared a common ancestor t generations ago are
therefore expected to differ in that segment by 2μt muta-
tions. (The factor of 2 appears because mutations have
accumulated in each of the two species since their com-
mon ancestor.) By sequencing a neutrally evolving piece
of chromosome in two species, we can count the number
of mutations by which they differ. If we know when their
last common ancestor lived (for example, from fossils) and
the number of generations per year, we can then calculate
μ. Weaknesses of this approach are that it can be applied

only to neutrally evolving regions of the genome, and
requires that we know the number of generations since
the common ancestor.
A related method is called mutation accumulation.
Here several laboratory populations are established from
a single founding population (or individual, in the case
of asexual species). Each population is maintained under
conditions that largely eliminate natural selection so that
mutation is the only evolutionary process at work. After
many generations, individuals from each population are
sequenced, and mutation rate is estimated by the same
calculation used in the phylogenetic method. An ad-
vantage of this approach is that we can be much more
confident about the number of generations since the
common ancestor and the assumption of neutral evolu-
tion. Disadvantages are that there are fewer mutations to
study (because they accumulate over a much shorter time)
and that only some species are suitable.
The conceptually simplest method for estimating muta-
tion rates became possible recently as DNA sequencing
became relatively inexpensive. In the direct method, we
sequence the DNA of parents and offspring and look for
differences caused by mutations. This approach is free
of the assumptions that are important weaknesses of the
other two methods. But it too has limitations. The chance
of a mutation in any specific gene is extremely small, and
so at present the direct method can only give estimates for
mutation rates that are averages over large regions of the


Estimating Mutation Rates

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