Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

and crops was likely unconscious at first, but it is now practiced with sophisticated
statistical methods, and it results in spectacularly rapid evolution (FIGURE 5.3).

Evolution by Selection and inheritance
As we stressed in Chapter 3, selection results when there is a consistent relation
between a phenotype and fitness. Evolution by selection also requires a second
ingredient: inheritance. In the simplest terms,

  • there is a correlation between a phenotypic trait and the number of offspring
    that individuals leave to the next generation, and

  • there is a correlation between the phenotype of a trait in parents and in their

  • the trait will evolve.
    The first condition means that selection on the trait is occurring, favoring indi-
    viduals with more extreme phenotypes than average. The second condition means
    that at least some of the phenotypic variation is inherited, causing the individuals
    with those more extreme phenotypes to pass on their traits to their offspring. The
    term “correlation” is used here in the statistical sense described in the Appendix.
    The logic behind this idea is shown graphically in FIGURE 5.4. Of Darwin’s
    many intellectual breakthroughs, this was his most brilliant. This chapter is about
    evolution that results from selection acting on individuals; Chapter 12 will explore
    how this concept applies to other entities.

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_05.03.ai Date 11-02-2016


34 g 42 g 44 g

316 g 632 g 1396 g

905 g 1808 g 4202 g

0 days

28 days

56 days


FIGURE 5.3 Comparison of three strains of
broiler chickens at different ages. In the first
strain, artificial selection was stopped in 1957,
in the second it stopped in 1978, and in the
third it stopped in 2005. Birds from the three
strains were grown under identical conditions.
The average weight of a 56-day-old chicken
increased more than four-fold as the result of
the 48 years of additional artificial selection
between 1957 and 2005. (From [46].)

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