Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

is beneficial. Each copy of this allele that an individual carries increases fitness by
a fraction s. This means that A 1 A 2 heterozygotes have relative fitness w 12 = (1 + s).
The A 2 A 2 genotype has the highest fitness of all, and its fitness is increased by a
factor of (1 + 2s) relative to the A 1 A 1 homozygotes. In the mouse example of Figure
5.6, the selection coefficient favoring the A 2 allele is s = 0.5: each copy of that allele
increases survival by 50 percent. That is extremely strong selection compared with
what is seen in most natural populations, where fitness effects of alleles are typi-
cally many times smaller.
The number s is called the selection coefficient. It is a natural measure of
the strength of selection that favors the beneficial allele. For the moment we are
assuming selection coefficients are constant in time and that the heterozygote’s
fitness is intermediate between the two homozygotes, but we will see shortly what
happens when those assumptions are not met. Note that selection coefficients
depend on which genotype is chosen to be the fitness reference. In the current
situation, it is most convenient to use the A 1 A 1 homozygotes as the standard, but
later in this chapter we will use other genotypes as the reference.

The rate of adaptation
We can predict the course of evolution if we know the current state of the popula-
tion and the strength of selection. We will use p to represent the frequency of the
A 2 allele, and so the frequency of the A 1 allele is 1 – p. The evolutionary change per
generation is measured by the change in the frequency of A 2 from the beginning
of the current generation to the beginning of the next. Using Δp to represent that
change, Box 5A shows that
Δp ≈ s p (1 – p) (5.3)

(Equation 5.3 is an approximation that is accurate when s is less than 0.1, which is
the case for the large majority of alleles in natural populations. The exact version
of the equation is a bit more complicated; see Box 5A.)
Equation 5.3 is beautiful in its simplicity, and it carries important messages. On
the left side is Δp, which is the rate at which the allele frequency evolves. The right
side shows that the rate is the product of two quantities. The first is the selection
coefficient s, which measures the strength of selection. When s = 0, there is no
selection acting, Δp = 0, and there is no evolution. The second quantity on the right
side of Equation 5.3 is p(1 – p), which is a natural measure of genetic variation. If
A 2 is absent from the population then p = 0, while if A 1 is absent then (1 – p) = 0.
In either case, there is no genetic variation at this locus. Consistent with that fact,

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_05.07.ai Date 12-29-2016

100 200 300 400 500

s = 0.05

s = 0.02

0.2 s = 0.01






Frequency of


FIGURE 5.7 The spread of three
beneficial mutations that have different
selection coefficients, s. Stronger selec-
tion leads to faster evolution.

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