Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


fitness, selection has little power to increase the frequency of A 2 further, and the
rate of evolution slows dramatically.
The converse situation occurs when the beneficial A 2 allele is recessive. In that
case, when A 2 is rare, its frequency increases very slowly: only the exceedingly rare
A 2 A 2 homozygotes enjoy the fitness advantage. But when the allele is common,
selection is now much more effective than it is for a dominant allele that is com-
mon (see Figure 5.10).
Thus far, we have focused on positive selection favoring the spread of a ben-
eficial mutation. The same logic and same equations (5.3 and 5.4) also apply to
deleterious mutations (those that decrease fitness). In this case, the selection coef-
ficient s is negative, and the change in allele frequency Δp is negative (from Equa-
tion 5.3). Many genetic diseases in humans are caused by mutations that are nearly
or completely recessive. Because they are at low frequency, almost all copies are
in heterozygotes who have fitness close or equal to that of individuals who do
not carry the mutation. Selection is therefore very ineffective at removing these
disease-causing mutations from the population.
We’ve now seen that if we know the fitnesses of the genotypes, we can predict how
many generations it takes for a beneficial mutation to spread. We can turn the tables
around by asking: If we know how many generations it took for an allele to spread,
how strong was selection? This was the strategy used by J. B. S. Haldane to estimate
that the melanic allele of the peppered moth had a selection coefficient of s = 0.5.
The peppered moth is not the only example of rapid evolution in response to
intense selection. Many other animals have evolved melanic forms in polluted urban
environments, so many that the phenomenon has a name: industrial melanism
[30]. Other cases of strong natural selection and rapid evolutionary change include
bacteria evolving resistance to antibiotics, insects evolving resistance to pesticides,
and plants evolving resistance to herbicides. You may have noticed a theme here:
in these examples, selection results from a change to the environment caused by
humans. With antibiotic resistance in bacteria, the change was intentional (when
we administered the drugs), while with industrial melanism it was not. But whether
it intends to or not, human activity is rapidly changing the environment of many,
in fact probably most, organisms on the planet. This is causing strong selection and

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_05.10.ai Date 12-29-2016 01-06-17

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Frequency of


A 1 A 1 A 1 A 2


No dominance


A 1 A 1 A 1 A 2 A 2 A 2


A 1 A 1 A 1 A 2 A 2 A 2


A 2 A 2

FIGURE 5.10 Dominance affects the evo-
lutionary trajectories of beneficial alleles.
When the beneficial allele is dominant,
its frequency increases very rapidly while
it is rare, then much more slowly when it
is common. A recessive beneficial muta-
tion spreads very slowly when it is rare, but
rapidly when it is frequent. When there is
no dominance (that is, the heterozygote
has a fitness intermediate between the
homozygotes), the trajectory is intermedi-
ate between the dominant and recessive
cases. In these trajectories, the fitness of the
A 2 A 2 homozygote is 1.01 relative to that of
the A 1 A 1 homozygote, and the beneficial A 2
mutant was introduced at a frequency of 1
percent. The trajectories differ only in the
relative fitness of the heterozygote.

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