Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
Several texts on population genetics give the cur-
rent view of the field. John Gillespie’s Popula-
tion Genetics: A Concise Guide (Johns Hopkins
university Press, Baltimore, MD, 2004) is con-
cise and accessible. D. l. Hartl and A. G. Clark’s
Principles of Population Genetics (Sinauer
Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2007) is a more
detailed exploration. The more recent text by
R. Nielsen and M. Slatkin, An Introduction to
Population Genetics: Theory and Applications
(Macmillan Education, 2013), emphasizes how
the principles of population genetics are ap-
plied to data, including in the study of human
evolution. Brian and Deborah Charlesworth’s
Elements of Evolutionary Genetics (Roberts
and Co., Greenwood Village, Co, 2010) is an
advanced but definitive summary of the field
of evolutionary genetics.
Molecular evolution is among the fastest moving
areas of biology. The data, analyses, and data-
collection technologies change so rapidly
that any review we suggest here will soon be

dated. Given that caveat, we recommend R.
Nielsen’s review “Molecular signatures of nat-
ural selection” (Annu. Rev. Genet. 39: 197–218,
2005) for those interested in learning more
about how we use genetic data to find evi-
dence of adaptation. “Strength in small num-
bers” by S. Tishkoff (Science 349: 1282–1283,
2015) and “Signals of recent positive selection
in a worldwide sample of human populations”
by J. K. Pickrell and colleagues (Genome Res.
19: 826–837, 2009) give nice summaries of ad-
aptation in humans.
for a broader perspective on what genetic data
can tell us about adaptation, “Molecular span-
drels: tests of adaptation at the genetic level”
by R. D. H. Barrett and H. E. Hoekstra (Nat.
Rev. Genet. 12: 767–780, 2011) and “Commen-
tary: When does understanding phenotypic
evolution require identification of the underly-
ing genes?” by M. D. Rausher and l. f. Delph
(Evolution 69: 1655–1664, 2015) give thought-
ful perspectives on a complex topic.


  1. if the egg-to-adult survival rates of genotypes
    A 1 A 1 , A 1 A 2 , and A 2 A 2 are 90 percent, 85 percent,
    and 75 percent, and their fecundities are 50, 55,
    and 70 eggs per female, respectively, what are
    the absolute fitnesses (W) of these genotypes?
    using A 1 A 1 as the fitness reference, what are
    the relative fitnesses (w)? if the frequency of the
    A 2 allele is p = 0.5, what will be its frequency
    one generation later? What will be the allele
    frequency when the population reaches equilib-
    rium (stops evolving)?

  2. How rapidly would a large population adapt to
    an environmental change if an advantageous
    allele were already present at low frequency
    (say, 1 percent), compared to the situation where
    it adapts by a newly arisen mutation at that locus?
    Would both of these events be accompanied by
    a selective sweep? Would they both be detect-
    able by studying variation in the DNA sequence
    near the locus after adaptation occurred?

  3. Describe a situation in which evolution does not
    occur even though natural selection is acting on
    a genetically variable character. (Assume that
    genetic drift is not occurring.)

  4. imagine a population in which the survival of
    A 1 A 1 homozygotes is 80 percent as great as that
    of A 1 A 2 heterozygotes, while the survival of A 2 A 2
    homozygotes is 95 percent that of the heterozy-
    gotes. What is p, the frequency of the A 2 allele,

at equilibrium? Now suppose the population has
reached this equilibrium, but that the environ-
ment then changes so that the relative fitnesses
of A 1 A 1 , A 1 A 2 , and A 2 A 2 become 1.0, 0.95, and
0.90. What will p be in the adults after one gen-
eration of selection in the new environment?

  1. Suppose a species has two generations per year,
    that adult survival rates of genotypes A 1 A 1 , A 1 A 2 ,
    and A 2 A 2 are identical, and that the fecundity
    values are 50, 55, and 70 in the spring genera-
    tion and 70, 65, and 55 in the fall generation,
    respectively. Will polymorphism persist, or will
    one allele become fixed if fecundity values are
    unchanged for many years? What if the fecun-
    dity values are 55, 65, 75 in the spring and 75, 65,
    55 in the fall?

  2. What hypotheses could account for the observa-
    tion that more genes have experienced recent
    adaptive evolution in the chimpanzee genome
    than in the human genome?

  3. Do you expect that natural selection acting
    within a species would increase the population
    size of the species? Do you expect that it would
    increase the rate at which new species arise, thus
    increasing the number of species?

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