- Evolutionary Biology
- the Light of Evolution” “Nothing in Biology Makes Sense except in
- What Is Evolution? Is It Fact or Theory?
- The Evolution of Evolutionary Biology
- Before Darwin
- Charles Darwin
- Darwin’s evolutionary theory
- Evolutionary biology after Darwin
- The evolutionary synthesis
- Evolutionary biology since the synthesis
- Evolution BOX 1A Fundamental Principles of Biological
- How Evolution Is Studied
- Philosophical Issues
- Ethics, religion, and evolution
- The Tree of Life
- The Tree of Life, from Darwin to Today
- Nomenclature BOX 2A Classification, Taxonomic Practice, and
- Phylogenetic Trees
- Inferring phylogenies: An introduction
- Variations on the Phylogenetic Theme
- rejoin Branches of a phylogenetic tree sometimes
- Not only organisms have “phylogenies”
- History Phylogenetic Insights into Evolutionary
- Inferring the history of character evolution
- Estimating time of divergence
- Patterns of evolution
- BOX 2B Evidence for Evolution
- Natural Selection and Adaptation
- Adaptive Evolution Observed
- Natural Selection
- The meaning of natural selection
- Natural selection and chance
- organism The effective environment depends on the
- Levels of Selection
- Selfish genes and unselfish behaviors
- UNIT I An Idea that Changed the World
- Selection of organisms and groups VIII CONTENTS
- Species selection
- The Nature of Adaptations
- Selection of and selection for
- Recognizing adaptations
- Imperfections and Constraints
- Diversity Natural Selection and the Evolution of
- What Not To Expect of Natural Selection
- Mutation and Variation
- The Machinery of Inheritance
- The Inheritance of Variation
- Gene mixing by segregation
- Gene mixing by recombination
- Gene mixing with asexual inheritance
- Variation Mutation: The Ultimate Source of
- Point mutations
- Structural mutations
- Rates and Effects of Mutations
- Mutation rates
- BOX 4A Estimating Mutation Rates
- Effects of mutations
- Germ line mutations and somatic mutations
- Is Mutation Random?
- Nongenetic Inheritance
- The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection
- Time Natural Selection and Evolution in Real
- Evolution by Selection and Inheritance
- Fitness: The Currency of Selection
- The Spread of Beneficial Mutations Positive Selection:
- Locus BOX 5A Evolution by Selection on a Single
- The rate of adaptation
- beneficial mutation spreads Chance and adaptation: The probability that a
- Evolutionary Side Effects
- another Hitchhiking: When one allele goes for a ride with
- When Selection Preserves Variation
- Overdominance
- Other forms of balancing selection
- Selection That Favors the Most Common
- suffer Underdominance: When heterozygotes
- Positive frequency-dependent selection
- Fitness The Evolution of a Population’s Mean
- and the adaptive landscape The fundamental theorem of natural selection
- Deleterious Mutations
- A mutation-selection balance
- The mutation load
- UNIT II How Evolution Works
- Phenotypic Evolution
- Genotypes and Phenotypes
- on Quantitative Traits Fitness Functions Describe Selection
- Selection Measuring the Strength of Directional
- Evolution by Directional Selection
- epistasis When genes interact: Dominance and
- versus new mutations Adaptation from standing genetic variation
- extinction? Can adaptation rescue species from
- Artificial Selection
- Correlated Traits
- Constraints and trade-offs
- The causes of genetic correlations
- Phenotypic Plasticity
- Quantitative Traits The Genetic Architecture of
- Quantitative trait loci
- The genetics of quantitative traits
- Genetic Drift: Evolution at Random
- What Is Random Genetic Drift?
- The Genealogy of Genes
- How Strong Is Genetic Drift?
- Populations that change in size
- Species Drift and Genetic Variation within
- Estimating population size
- Genetic Drift and Natural Selection
- Crossing an adaptive valley by drift
- populations The fate of beneficial mutations in large
- Species The Evolution of Differences among
- The neutral theory of molecular evolution
- of Adaptation Searching the Genes for Signatures
- differences Synonymous versus nonsynonymous
- The MK test
- Divergence among populations
- Evolution in Space
- Patterns in Space
- Gene Flow
- How is gene flow measured?
- Populations Genetic Divergence between
- Gene Flow and Selection
- Tension zones
- Gene Flow and Drift
- Gene flow, local adaptation, and drift
- The Evolution of Dispersal
- The Evolution of Species’ Ranges
- Species and Speciation
- What Are Species?
- BOX 9A Diagnosis of a New Species
- Reproductive Isolation
- Prezygotic barriers
- Postzygotic barriers
- How fast does reproductive isolation evolve?
- The Causes of Speciation
- BOX 9A Speciation in the Lab
- The Geography of Speciation
- Allopatric speciation
- Sympatric speciation
- Parapatric speciation
- The Genomics of Speciation
- All About Sex
- What Are Females and Males?
- Sexual Selection
- Why are males sexually selected?
- Sexual selection by male-male competition
- Sexual selection by female choice
- Sexual selection in flowering plants
- Sex Ratios
- Why Sex?
- environments Advantages to sex in changing
- recombination Selective interference favors sex and
- Selfing and Outcrossing
- How to Be Fit
- Fitness Life History Traits as Components of
- Costs of reproduction
- Fitness in age-structured populations
- Senescence
- and Density Evolution of the Population Growth Rate
- Diverse life histories
- Number of offspring
- Life histories and mating strategies
- Specialists and Generalists
- Advantages of specialization
- Specialization without trade-offs
- Experiments on niche evolution
- Cooperation and Conflict
- The Costs and Benefits of Interacting
- Social Interactions and Cooperation
- Individuals Cooperation among Unrelated
- Reciprocity
- UNIT III Products of Evolution: What Natural Selection Has Wrought
- BOX 12A Evolutionarily Stable Strategies CONTENTS XI
- Altruism Shared Genes and the Evolution of
- BOX 12B Calculating Relatedness
- Turkeys BOX 12C Altruistic Mating Displays In
- Spite
- The Family Conflict and Cooperation in Close Quarters:
- Conflict between mates
- Murder in the family
- Parent-offspring conflict
- Eusocial animals: The ultimate families
- Levels of Selection
- Selfish DNA
- Selfish mitochondria
- Group selection
- Transitions Cooperation and Major Evolutionary
- Interactions among Species
- among Species Coevolution and Interactions
- The Evolution of Enemies and Victims
- Aposematism and mimicry
- Plants and herbivores
- disease Parasite-host interactions and infectious
- Mutualisms
- Interactions The Evolution of Competitive
- Evolution and Community Structure
- The Evolution of Genes and Genomes
- The Birth of a Gene
- The Death of a Gene
- Evolution of Protein-Coding Genes
- Evolution of coding regions by genetic drift
- selection Evolution of coding regions by positive
- Evolution of Gene Expression
- Gene Structure
- Chromosome Evolution
- number Fissions, fusions, and the evolution of chromosome
- structure Inversions and the evolution of chromosome
- Evolution of Genome Size and Content
- Genomes large and small
- elements Genetic parasites and transposable
- and largest genomes Routes to the evolution of the smallest
- Evolution and Development
- Evolution Comparative Development and
- Gene Regulation
- Genetics BOX 15A Some Methods in Developmental
- Hox genes and the genetic toolkit
- Phenotypic Evolution Developmental-Genetic Bases of
- Evolution by cis-regulatory mutations XII CONTENTS
- Evolution by trans-regulatory mutations
- phenotypic evolution Overview: The genetics and development of
- Pathways Evolvability and Developmental
- Constraints on Adaptive Evolution
- Phenotypic Plasticity and Canalization
- evolution? Does phenotypic plasticity contribute to
- UNIT IV Macroevolution and the History of Life
- Phylogeny: The Unity and Diversity of Life
- Inferring Phylogenies
- Why estimating phylogenies can be hard
- Methods for estimating phylogenies
- BOX 16A Estimating Trees with Likelihood
- How Do We Use Phylogenies?
- Dating evolutionary events
- Discovering the history of genes and cultures
- Reconstructing ancestors
- method Studying adaptations: The comparative
- Classification
- The History of Life
- Some Geological Fundamentals
- Before Life Began
- The Emergence of Life
- Precambrian Life
- Origins of Animal Diversity The Cambrian Explosion and the
- Paleozoic Life
- The colonization of land
- Paleozoic life on land
- The end-Permian mass extinction
- Mesozoic Life
- The Cenozoic Era
- The modern world takes shape
- The adaptive radiation of mammals
- Pleistocene events
- The Geography of Evolution
- Biogeographic Evidence for Evolution
- Major Patterns of Distribution
- distributions Historical factors affecting geographic
- Distributions Historical Explanations of Geographic
- Vicariance
- Dispersal
- Phylogeography
- Evolution Geographic Range Limits: Ecology and
- Geographic Patterns of Diversity
- The Evolution of Biological Diversity
- Biological Diversity Estimating and Modeling Changes in
- Studying diversity in the fossil record
- Diversity through the Phanerozoic
- Rates of origination and extinction
- Mass extinctions
- Phylogenetic Studies of Diversity
- The shapes of phylogenies
- Equilibrium? Does Species Diversity Reach
- Macroevolution: Evolution above the Species Level
- The Origin of Major New Forms of Life
- The origin of mammals
- Gradualism and Saltation
- The Evolution of Novelty
- selection Permissive conditions and natural
- Complex characteristics
- characters Homology and the emergence of novel
- From Microevolution to Macroevolution
- Rates of evolution
- Gradualism and punctuated equilibria
- Speciation and phenotypic evolution
- Trends, Predictability, and Progress
- Trends: Kinds and causes
- Are there major trends in the history of life?
- Predictability and contingency in evolution
- The question of progress
- UNIT V Evolution and Homo sapiens
- The Evolutionary Story of Homo sapiens
- Where Did We Come From?
- Our closest living relatives
- How humans differ from other apes
- Our ancestry: Hominins through time
- The Arrival of Homo sapiens
- The human history of hybridization
- The diversity of human populations
- Brain and Language
- World Diet and Agriculture: A Revolution in Our
- BOX 21A Domesticated Plants and Animals
- Natural Selection, Past and Present
- Our genetic loads
- Natural selection and evolution in real time
- Evolutionary mismatches
- The Evolution of Culture
- Evolution and Society
- Arguments BOX 22A Refuting Antievolutionary
- Creationism and Science
- Creationism
- The nature of science
- The Evidence for Evolution
- The fossil record
- Phylogenetic and comparative studies
- Genes and genomes
- Biogeography
- Failures of the argument from design
- Evolution, and its mechanisms, observed
- Science The Uses and Implications of Evolutionary
- flexible concept Evolution by natural selection: A broad and
- science Practical applications of evolutionary
- Using organisms’ adaptations
- Agriculture and natural resources
- Conservation
- BOX 22B The Current Extinction Crisis
- Health and medicine
- Evolution and Human Behavior
- Variation in cognitive and behavioral traits
- Human behavior: Evolution and culture
- Understanding nature and humanity
- APPENDIX: A Statistics Primer A–