Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

a critical contribution to society since it allows us to produce more food with the
same or even fewer resources. Artificial selection on many species is now done
using sophisticated statistical methods that evaluate each individual’s genetic
In addition to improving domesticated species, artificial selection is used by
biologists to study basic questions about evolution. This research often uses model
organisms such as Drosophila and E. coli because they are convenient and well
known genetically. Several general conclusions have emerged are likely to apply
to all species:
Almost all traits evolve when selected. Results from hundreds of selection experi-
ments show that most traits in diverse species immediately respond to selection
based on standing genetic variation [23]. We will see shortly, however, that there
are exceptions to this rule that have significance for our understanding of the lim-
its to adaptation.
Selection can cause a trait to evolve far beyond its original range of variation. We saw
early in this chapter that changes in allele frequencies can cause a quantitative
trait to evolve far beyond the range of variation that was originally present in the
population. An example in real organisms comes from a famous artificial selec-
tion experiment on corn that is still continuing after more than 100 years (FIGURE
6.17). Early in the experiment, evolutionary change was based on standing genetic
variation, but new mutations contributed in later generations.
Large populations evolve faster and farther than small populations. Researchers
have used artificial selection to learn what factors affect how populations adapt.
One pattern that emerges is that large populations tend to evolve faster and far-
ther (FIGURE 6.18). That finding is interesting because there is nothing in Equa-
tions 6.1 and 6.2 that suggests population size should have an effect. The explana-
tion is that over the course of several generations, the additive genetic variance
can decline, and it tends to do so more rapidly in smaller populations (see Chapter
7). An important conclusion is that species that are already rare are particularly
vulnerable to environmental change because they may not adapt as quickly as
abundant species.
Strong selection on one trait often has negative side effects on other traits. Over a
span of 50 years, artificial selection on dairy cows increased milk production by
1 percent per year, but also caused fertility to decline at about the same rate [23].
This is an example of how selection on one trait often causes evolutionary side
effects on other traits, which is our next topic.

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_06.17.ai Date 01-13-2017

Oil content (%)






0 10

Range of variation
in starting population

20 30

40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 6.17 The oil content of corn kernels increased over
107 generations of artificial selection. In the initial popula-
tion, the mean oil content was 4.7 percent, and the highest
oil content measured on any corn ear was 6 percent. The
average oil content in the most recent generation was 22
percent, more than 4.5 times higher than in the initial popula-
tion. (Data from [14].)

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_06.18.ai Date 01-13-2017

Deviation from controls (mils)












20 30

40 50 60

FIGURE 6.18 A selection experiment for
increased wing-tip height in Drosophila
melanogaster shows evolutionary change
over 54 generations in populations of
different sizes. Shown are the numbers of
individuals that are selected to start each
generation. (For example, with N = 200 flies,
a total of 1000 flies were measured, and the
200 flies with the longest wings were bred
to begin the next generation.) The larg-
est population has evolved the fastest and
farthest. (After [52].)

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