Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

EVoluTioN iN SPACE 201

Equation 8.4 shows that the width of a cline can be used to estimate the strength
of selection. Alleles for insecticide resistance in the mosquito Culex pipiens form
clines in southern France at the boundary between regions that are treated with
insecticide and those that are not. Combining estimates for the cline width (wc)
and the migration variance (σm^2 ) with a theoretical prediction similar to that in
Equation 8.4 suggests that the insecticide generates very strong selection for the
resistance alleles, with values of s up to 0.33 [20].
Clines also develop when the transition between two types of habitats is grad-
ual. In that case, the shape of the cline is typically similar to those in Figure 8.11,
even though the clines in that figure result from an abrupt change in selection.
The shape of a cline therefore does not tell us much about whether selection varies
abruptly or in a smooth gradient.
As we saw with body mass in moose, quantitative traits also have clines. Many
quantitative traits experience stabilizing selection with an optimum that varies in
space. In that situation, the mean value for a trait evolves to a compromise between
what local selection pressures favor and the homogenizing effect of gene flow. The
effect of gene flow is again determined by the migration rate (in habitats made of
patches) or the migration variance (in a continuous habitat).
Another common situation is when a patch of one type of habitat is embedded
in a landscape of another type. As we saw with the mine in Wales and the lava
flows in the southwestern United States, these patches can select for alleles that
are disadvantageous elsewhere. If the size of the patch is too small, however, gene
swamping occurs and the allele favored inside the patch will be driven to extinc-
tion. A locally favored allele will be lost in patches that are much smaller than the
cline width, wc, given by Equation 8.4. This sets a limit to the spatial resolution of
adaptation. Just as your eyes are unable to pick out details that are too small, selec-
tion is unable to cause beneficial alleles to spread if the region in which they are
advantageous is too small. The size of the minimal area to which a population can
adapt is once again set by the relative strengths of dispersal and selection.

Tension zones
We’ve just seen that selection can maintain differences between populations that
are connected by gene flow when fitness varies in space. While it may sound
counterintuitive, in some cases selection can also maintain differences even when
it acts the same way everywhere.

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_08.11.ai Date 11-17-2016 01-24-17

Frequency of


(A) Allele A 2 favored Allele A 1 favored (B)

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
West Distance East

0.4 4












σm^2 s
Frequency of




FIGURE 8.11 A) Clines in allele frequen-(
cies predicted by a mathematical model.
The horizontal axis is distance along a tran-
sect. The vertical axis is the frequency of
allele A 2 , which has a relative fitness of 1 – s
to the left (west) of x = 0, and fitness 1 + s
to the right (east). The four curves show the
clines for different values of the ratio of the
migration variance to the selection coef-
ficient, σm^2 /s. The clines become flatter as
the strength of gene flow increases relative
to selection. (B) The cline width, wc, is the
distance over which the allele frequency
changes from 0.1 to 0.9.

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