Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
284 CHAPTER 11

guppies in Trinidad [6, 48]. In some streams, the cichlid fish Crenicichla preys heavily
on guppies. In other streams, or above waterfalls, Crenicichla is absent and there is
much less predation; as a result, the density of the guppy population is higher and
there is stronger competition for food. The low-predation (LP) guppy populations
are therefore more K-selected than are the high-predation (HP) populations that
coexist with Crenicichla. When guppies from both situations are reared in a common
environment, HP populations mature earlier, have more offspring, and devote more
resources to larger offspring than do LP populations: features expected to evolve
under r-selection (FIGURE 11.10A). Moreover, experimental populations of guppies
moved from HP to previously guppyless LP environments rapidly evolve life history
characteristics typical of LP populations. When experimental populations of HP and
LP guppies are subjected to different density levels, the growth rate of LP popula-
tions is less depressed by high density, showing that these fishes are more adapted
to contend with high-density conditions (FIGURE 11.10B).
Is it better to reproduce only once or repeatedly? In theory, a semelparous, or
“big bang,” life history may be favored by selection if the probability of survival
increases with body mass and if there is an exponential relationship between body
mass and reproductive output [38, 51]. These conditions have been documented in
many species of semelparous plants (see Figure 11.8) [38]. Bamboos, agaves, cab-
bage palms, and other species reproduce only after many years, produce massive
numbers of seeds, and then die. Compared with iteroparous species of trees in
an Amazonian rainforest, a semelparous tree (Tachigali vasquezii) has a very rapid
growth rate, which it achieves by producing low-density wood. The rapid growth
reduces the risk of dying before maturity, when the tree produces a very high num-
ber of seeds. These results together compensate for not reproducing repeatedly
[46]. A “big bang” life history is also advantageous if reproduction is so stressful or
risky that an individual is unlikely to reproduce more than once. The most famous
example is migratory salmon that expend enormous energy and face great hazards
in swimming upstream from the ocean in order to spawn in streams. Once they Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_11.10.ai Date 11-21-2016



Male age at maturity (days)
Low High


Female age at rst birth (days)
Low High


60 80

(A) (B)

Population growth rate

Low High






FIGURE 11.10 Life history variation in guppies in Trinidad, where waterfalls separate
guppies into two populations: below the waterfall, they are in a high-predation (HP)
environment with large predatory fishes; above the waterfall is a low-predation (LP)
environment, where guppies reach higher density and there is strong competition for
food. (A) Both sexes of guppies from the HP environment start reproducing earlier in
life than those from the LP environment. (B) An experiment shows that life history differ-
ences between guppies from the HP and LP environments are genetic. When reared in
a controlled environment, populations founded with guppies from the LP environment
are less sensitive to the effects of density than those from the HP environment: the LP fish
are adapted to high density. The population growth rate was estimated from survival and
fecundity values measured over a 28-day interval. (A data from [48]; B after [6].)

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