Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Cheilostomes, 509
Chelicerates, 447
Chelodina longicollis, 510
Chelonoidis nigra (Galápagos giant tortoise),
Chestnut-crowned antpitta, 473
Chetverikov, Sergei, 16
domestication, 561
number of protein-coding genes, 346
selective breeding, 106
Chickpeas, 560 , 561
Chicxulub crater, 457
Chikungunya virus, 356
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)
BRCA1 gene and positive selection, 184
common ancestry concept and, 581
developmental and functional modules in
limb development, 389
effective population size and gene
coalescence, 173
effective population size estimation, 176
estimating the human-chimpanzee
divergence time, 417, 418
evolution of HIV and, 4, 5
gene duplications, 348
gene regulation and morphological
differences with humans, 382
inversions, 90
metabolic rate compared to humans, 563
phylogenetic classification, 426
phylogeny of mammals, 408
relationship and comparison to humans,
548, 549, 550 , 551, 556
skull compared to hominins, 553
tool making and tool use, 549, 559
“Chimpanzee politics,” 596
Chinchillas, 479
Chinese lantern plants, 380, 381
Chinese people, 556
Chiroptera, 408 , 461
Chiroxiphia lanceolata (lance-tailed manakin),
Chlorarachinophytes, 440
Chlorophyta, 446 , 447
Chlorophyte algae, 440
Chloroplasts, 336, 337, 439
Choanocytes, 441
Choanoflagellates, 440–441
Choanozoa, 440–441
Cholesterol, 565
Cholla (Opuntia bigelovii), 56
Choloepus, 408
Chordates, 346 , 443–444
Chromosome number, evolution of, 359–360
“Chromosome races,” 225
Chromosome rearrangements
in sister species, 224–225
tension zones, 202
in weedy plants, 180
centromeres and selfish DNA, 311
description of, 80
evolution of, 359–361
fusions (see Fusions)

gene mixing by recombination, 85–88
heterozygotes and underdominance,
overlapping genes, 358–359
PSR chromosome, 312
structural mutations, 89–91
variation in haploid number, 90 , 91
variations in polymorphism, 175–176
Chuck calls, 252
adaptive radiation, 408–409
disjunct distribution, 472, 477
effects of predation on guppy life history
traits, 284
factors enhancing species diversity, 504,
hybridization, 227
rate of speciation by reproductive
isolation, 226
speciation by sexual selection, 230
species diversity, 219–220
vicariance and geographic distribution,
476, 477
Cidaroida, 503
Ciliates, 90 , 91, 440
Cingulata, 461
Ciona, 346
Circus aeruginosus (marsh harrier), 297
Cirsium, 222
Cis-regulatory elements
evolution by mutations in, 382–383, 384
in gene regulation, 375, 376, 377
Clades, 33, 402
Cladogenesis, 33
Cladotherians, 458
Clark’s nutcracker, 322, 323
overview, 32
phylogenetic, 424–426
Cleoniceras, 430
Climate change. See Global climate change
“Climate niches,” 587–588
Climatius, 445
definition and description of, 192–193
gene flow and selection, 198–202
Clonal interference, 265–266
Clones, life span, 275, 276
Cloning, 263–264
Clostridium difficile, 39, 566 , 590
Clover, 191, 192
Clownfishes (Amphiprion), 247, 248
Club mosses, 446 , 447
Clutch size, optimal, 286
Cnidaria, 441, 442
Co-option, 380, 381
Coalescence, of genes, 171–173
Cobras, 424
Coccoidea, 250
Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruvianus), 258
Cockroaches, 105
Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), 277 , 286
Cocos Island finch, 29
Cocos nucifera (coconut palm), 277 , 286
Codon bias, 178, 356

Codons, 80, 81
Coefficient of relationship, 300
Coelacanths, 447, 531
Coelophysis, 525
defined, 322
of enemies and victims, 324–334
gene-culture coevolution, 597–598
interactions among species and, 322–324
kinds of, 322, 323
between moths and orchids, 321, 322
Cognitive abilities, variation among humans,
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), 285
Coiling, 97
Colchicine, 390, 391
Coleochaetales, 446
number of species, 32
phylogeny of insects, 450
sex determination, 250
species diversity and key adaptations, 502
species richness, 490 , 492
See also Beetles
Collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris), 283
Collembola, 450
Colobus monkey, 5
Colonization, adaptive radiations and, 479
Coloration, polymorphisms in the Mc1r gene,
Colubridae, 424
Colubroidea, 424
Columbidae, 471
Columbines (Aquilegia), 504, 505
Comb jellies, 441
Commercial exploitation, evolutionary effects
of, 58–59
Common ancestors
defined, 29
descent from a common ancestor concept,
evidence for evolution and, 580, 581
inferring the character state of, 41
Common bent (Agrostis capillaris), 193
Common descent, 14
Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), 330
Common shrew (Sorex araneus), 225
Communities, 339
Community ecology, 339–341
Community structure, 339–341
Comparative development, 371–375
Comparative method
definition and description of, 69–71
evidence for evolution, 580
using to study adaptations, 421–423
using to study human variation, 568
competitive exclusion principle, 482, 483
evolution of competitive interactions,
evolution of diversity and, 72–73
limiting effects on diversity, 508–510
male-male competition, 254–256
with relatives, dispersal and, 204–205
species diversity and, 340

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