
(ff) #1

1.8 Exercises 33

name prefix unit exponent
millisecond milli second 1
per_millisecond milli second -1
millivolt milli volt 1
microA_per_mm2 micro ampere 1
microA_per_mm2 milli meter -2
microF_per_mm2 micro farad 1
microF_per_mm2 milli meter -2

A physical unit is, in general, composed of several factors. This was en-
coded in the relational table by using several records, one for each factor.
ThemicroF_per_mm2unit, for example, is the ratio of microfarads by
square millimeters.
This relational database table illustrates how several distinct concepts can
be encoded in a single relational table. In general, information in a re-
lational database about a single concept can be spread around several
records, and a single record can include information about several con-
cepts. This can make it difficult to understand the meaning of a relational
table, even when the relational schema is available.
Show how to design an XML document so that the information about the
two concepts (i.e, the physical units and the factors) in the table above are

  1. This next relational database table defines some of the variables used in
    the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model (Fitzhugh 1961; Nagumo 1962) for the trans-
    mission of signals between nerve axons:

component variable initial physical_unit interface
membrane u -85.0 millivolt out
membrane Vr -75.0 millivolt out
membrane Cm 0.01 microF_per_mm2
membrane time millisecond in
ionic_current I_ion microA_per_mm2 out
ionic_current v in
ionic_current Vth millivolt in

The physical units are the ones defined in exercise 3 above. Extend the
solution of that exercise to include the data in the table above. Note that
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