Asian Geographic Junior - 08.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
This sanctuar y rescues and cares for
orangutans that have been poached from
the wild. Poachers sometimes kidnap baby
orangutans to sell them as pets, preventing
them from learning how to sur vive in the
wild. At the rehabilitation centre, these
rescued animals are encouraged to roam
around the jungle and forage for food.
Younger orangutans are also paired with
older ones in a buddy system so that they
can learn how to live in the wild!

This wildlife group rescues animals
that are illegally kept as pets. Often, people
who keep wild animals as pets buy them
from traders who take them from their natural
habitat and ship them in dark and cramped
boxes. This process is ver y damaging to the
physical and mental health of the animals.
In the sanctuar y, volunteers care for animals
like tur tles, monkeys and iguanas by feeding
them and cleaning their enclosures while they
wait to be returned to their rightful homes in
the wild.

Sabah, Malaysia

Are Zoos the Same^
as Animal Sanctuaries?
Zoos can help to keep and breed endangered
animals in case there are no more left in the
wild. However, animals in zoos are often stuck
in small spaces that are not like their natural
habitats. They also lose their instincts like
hunting and are made to per form tricks for
visitors, which is not natural for them! 1313

No.49 Issue 3
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