Asian Geographic Junior - 08.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Our hear ts beat faster when
exercising to pump more
oxygen around the body.
Exercising regularly will help
your hear t become better at
this, so you can train more
intensely and for a
longer time.

Your body needs 15 times
more oxygen when you
exercise. To achieve that,
you breathe faster and
heavier so that your lungs
can take in more air.

During vigorous exercise,
muscles tear a tiny bit. These
tears heal and make the
muscles bigger
and stronger. This means
that when you feel sore after
exercising, your body is working
on building more muscles!

Exercising makes our
bodies hotter. To cool of f,
the blood vessels in our skin
become bigger so that more
blood can flow to the skin.
The heat from our bodies is then
lost to the air, helping us feel
cooler. This is the reason your
face turns red when
you exercise!


No.49 Issue 3
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