Scan Magazine – August 2018

(C. Jardin) #1
Issue 115 | August 2018 | 61

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | A Spotlight on Greenland

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Twitter: @brianbuus

the teachers’ association. They are work-
ing together to try to change the school
system in Greenland, which is currently
struggling. “Around 70 per cent of pupils
who finish their schooling have one or
more marks that mean they can’t go into
further education, and currently around
two thirds of the labour market is lacking
in certain competencies, so it’s essential
that something changes, and soon.”

Greenland Business Association also
gives pupils an insight into post-school
opportunities by showcasing what some
of the member businesses do and work

“My hope is that we can rally together
to try and change things. It’s not only
important for our schools, but also for
our businesses, since we need qualified
employees. It’s very encouraging to see
how we are already making a difference
and how these close working relation-
ships can change something. With a
population of 56,000, it is vital for organ-
isations to work together and develop
the country together.”

A lot to offer
Greenland has among the best access to
raw materials in the world and all min-
erals can be found there. There is a good
understanding within the country of
how to access these raw materials and
many of the companies there are based
around them. Greenland is also famed
for its fish and all fishing that takes
place in Greenland is MSC certified, en-
suring traceable and sustainable fish.

Greenland Business Association en-
sures that the political and economic
environment is good for both existing
and new companies, guaranteeing that
they can work with limited hindrances.
“Greenland has fantastic natural re-
sources and there is both a very good
business framework in Greenland
and an entrepreneurial spirit, which
makes it an excellent place to work in,”
Pedersen argues.

Every two years, Greenland Business
Association hosts Future Greenland,
a conference with over 450 partici-
pants, where business professionals

and decision-makers from Greenland,
Iceland, Canada and Denmark come
together to discuss business and so-
cietal issues in the Arctic regions. “It’s
a great meeting place for a wide range
of individuals and organisations in the
Arctic, and the discussions that are cre-
ated there are often incredibly inspir-
ing,” Pedersen says. The conference
takes place on 14–15 May 2019.

Greenland Business Association is an
association that does much more than
simply represent its members. It cre-
ates change, has a strong political voice,
and works nationally and internationally
to create the best business environment
on Greenland. It provides excellent in-
sight into Greenland’s corporate world
and is the perfect partner for those
looking to find out more or to expand
into Greenland.

Brian Buus Pedersen.
Photo: Lars Salomonsen Icebergs. Photo: Jørgen Chemintz

Photo: Ulrik Bang

Students finishing school.
Photo: Jørgen Chemintz
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