Scan Magazine – August 2018

(C. Jardin) #1
Issue 115 | August 2018 | 69

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | A Spotlight on Greenland

want a good homecooked meal, which is
exactly what we provide,” Majholm ex-
plains. “We try as much as we can to use
local produce, but since we are based on
quite an isolated island, it can be difficult.
It’s important for us to be as sustainable
as we can be, as we’re living in such a
beautiful place and we want to keep it
that way.” In fact, all electricity in Nuuk
comes from hydropower and the city as
a whole is using new technologies to re-
duce its impact on the climate.

At the heart of the community

Outside its own four walls, the hotel also
has a social impact. A missionary wel-
fare worker (sømandspræst) is associ-
ated with the seaman’s home and visits
the ships harbouring in Nuuk, plus sets
up groups in the local retirement homes
and schools. The priest also leads a
bi-monthly bible group at the hotel, and
every morning there is a short service
with singing.

“We want to focus on the people who
visit us and who surround us. Whatever
our situation is, we all need to be heard
every once in a while, and we need to just
have a conversation with another human
being,” Majholm argues. “Whether it’s
about the weather or something much
more personal, we all have something
interesting to say.”

A stay at the seamen’s home is much
more than simply a bed and breakfast.
It is an opportunity to get under the skin
of Nuuk, hearing directly from the locals
about what it is like to live in the “world’s
smallest and cosiest city,” as Majholm
delightfully refers to it.

“We want everyone to feel at home as
soon as they step through the door, and
feel like they can relax whilst we take
care of them,” Majholm says. “Nuuk is a
wonderful place to visit and experience
and most people fall in love with it af-
ter just a short visit. By staying with us,
our guests know that they have made
their own impact on the community that
they’ve been visiting.”

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