Women's Fitness

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
September2016 |womensfitness.co.uk 31


Get your body

workin g the way

it’s supp osed to

with th e KO8


akin g everyday
movements more
difficult than usual
might not seem appealing at
first but it makes for a really
unique workou t with great
body benefits.
Whether you’ re trainin g for
a specific sp ort general health
or just tomake day- to-d ay life
that bit easier in the lo ng run the
KO8 is a pie ce ofkit that could
help you. The KO8 allows you to
add resistancetoregular moves
like mountain climbers sprints
and squats making them more
challenging while guaran teeing
the original benefit ofth e moves
themselves –and then some.
Italso allows you tomimi c
challenging animal moves
such as bearcrawl s totake
trainin g back tobasics. What
better way totake your fitness
up a notch? The suspension
aspect also give s your core
a serious workout and the
resistanc e bands challengeyour
stability muscles while still
remainin g lo w-impact.
Try the workout here toget
moving how you were supp osed
to– withan added twist.

Work out

like an


Free download pdf