- Resistan ce band â¢Kettlebell ⢠Barbell
moking might hold
you back frombeing
your fittest but if you
canpush through that wall
that smoking puts up when
it comes to your workou ts
thereâs goodnews: it could
help you kick the habit
onceand for all.
If youâ re a smoker who
reaches for a cigarette
whenever youâ re stressedor
anxious or your relapse
always comes when times
get tough ne w researchfrom
the Universityof Texas at
Austin might interest you.
Researchers have found that
working out can increaseyour
success of giving up smoking
by double thanks to its
positive effects on anxiety
and depression. The study
took place on individuals who
were made to exercise three
times a week and individuals
who took part in wellness
sessions instead. Not only
did the exercise group have
double the success rate
(26 per cent compared with
12 per cent in the control
group) but the lo ng-term
effects were impressive
too: 23 per cent from the
exercise group have
remained smoke-free
compared with 10 per cent
from the control group.
While any ex ercise is of
course encouraged it was
the tougher stuff that worked
in the study. The sessions
were on ly 25 minutes lo ng
- good news for those
strapped for time â but
required intense workouts
during which the participants
achieved a77-88 per cent
maximum heart rate. If you
struggle with fitness due to
smoking this might seem
tough but itâll be worth it.
Try this workout three
times a week maintainin g
a relatively fast pace
throughout and little rest to
keep the heart rate high.
If you want to quit smoking scientists
have uncovered a new reason why
working out could be your best bet
September2016 | 47