Women's Fitness

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
64 womensfitness.co.uk| September 2016


For the glute
activation circuit
perform 45
seconds of each
move on oneside
only backto back
with no rest. Then
go backto th e
start and repeat
on the other side.
For the main
workout perform
eachof th e
superset moves
backto backfor
the allotted time
for yo ur level
then rest for the
time and do the
same for the
next superset
and so on. Once
complete go back
to th e start and
do the same for
the next set.

2 x 30 seconds
(30 seconds’ rest)

2 x 45 seconds
(20 seconds’ rest)
2 x 1minute
(10 seconds’ rest)


e’re re ally starting to
see a rise in women
focusin g on shapin g up
their behi nds in a bidto boast the
same tight and toned tushes as
celebs like Rihanna and J-Lo.
The Hourglass Workout lo oks
toembrace these goals by honing
in on glute exe rcises that truly
work. It’s not as simple as a
30-day squat challenge but
itdoesproduce result s.
For those ofus whospend a lo t
oftime being sedentary our gl ute
muscles switch off making it harder
for us toengage them when we’re in
the gym. That’s why this workout
starts witha glute activation series
toreally fire up the gl utes be fore
moving ontoth e tougher stuff.
Lucie Clegg trainer at Duo
Chelsea which runs The Hourglass
Workout devised the following
sequence forWFreaders to
try themse lves. Make sure you
start witha full-body dynamic
warm-up includ ing ju mping jacks
and high knees before moving on
toth e activation exercises an d
finally the full-body supersets.




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