The Nation - April 30, 2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
2 The Nation.

Bills and Strikes
Hopefully, the West Virginia teach-
ers’ strike will establish a precedent
for other public-employee unions
that are increasingly dealing with
union-busting legislation rather than
employer-initiated anti-teacher di-
rectives [“It Takes a Crisis,” April 9].
In Michigan, even though the two
main public-educator unions (the
Michigan Education Association,
an NEA affiliate, and the Michigan
Federation of Teachers, an AFT affili-
ate) bargain directly with local school
boards, Republican legislative initia-
tives are an integral part of the bar-
gaining. For example, all employees
must pay 20 percent for health care,
regardless of the cost of the plan. If
a local votes to improve coverage for
its members in collective bargaining,
it is asking its members to pay a 20
percent surcharge on whatever new
costs are incurred in the health-care
plan. Similarly, Republican legislators
have increased the employee cost for
retirement benefits while slashing the
actual benefit.
So a strike targeted at any district,
no matter how large (Detroit being
the largest), has no bearing on state
legislation, which hamstrings the
bargaining not only with direct leg-
islative initiatives, but with a reduced
school budget as well. Kudos to West
Virginia; may the rest of us join you!
Sidney Kardon
huntington woods, mich.

Cold as ICE

While I sympathize with Sean
McElwee’s article [“It’s Time to Abol-
ish ICE,” April 9], all I gotta say is:
Good luck with that! The mainstream
Democratic Party is known for its
cowardice and will have nothing to say
on this issue, now or anytime soon.
Michael E. Peterson
I agree that all countries need to

control their borders, but ICE as
it is currently constituted, with its
ultra-authoritarian leadership and
overwhelmingly pro-Trump union
members, is little more than a de
facto goon squad wreaking terror on
immigrant communities. On paper, it
might well serve a necessary purpose,
but to reduce it to that necessary
purpose, it’s going to take a wholesale
purging of the agency as well as new
guidelines that are strictly adhered
to, restricting deportations to actual
violent criminals and not those who
are merely in the country without the
proper papers. Andy Moursund

This is exactly the type of demand
that the Republicans would love to
use against Democrats in the upcom-
ing 2018 election. It’s a bad idea on
all possible grounds. We have im-
migration laws to restrict and control
immigration. Those laws are legiti-
mate, to protect American workers
against having our communities
flooded with foreign labor willing to
work on the cheap. There is no sup-
port in the nation for open borders.
That means somebody has to round
up and deport unauthorized immi-
grants (or those who came legally but
later committed a felony, which le-
gally requires that they be deported).
It’s just that simple. If ICE is using
inappropriate tactics, let’s deal with
that. But to support demolishing the
entire police system responsible for
stopping unauthorized immigration
and deporting people who make it
across the border without permis-
sion just plays right into Republican
hands. And we know where that has
gotten us. You could not come up
with a better way to ensure that Re-
publicans keep control of Congress.
Entirely a bad idea.
Nancy A. Butterfield
Comments drawn from our website
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