The CEO Magazine EMEA – April 2018

(Amelia) #1 | 181

“Typically, Translunar One takes an advisory role
so limited partners can rest assured we have feet on
the street inside blockchain start-ups to provide
valuable assistance to make sure they are successful.”
Blockchain is certainly seen by many as a
technology shift that will change the world we live in.
And while blockchain was a major focus of this year’s
CMRB trip, another hot topic was removing plastic
from our ecosystem and saving the oceans.

David Katz, the CEO and Founder of Plastic Bank, is
one man who is doing exactly that and he gave a
moving presentation at Bawah about the state of the
oceans and how Plastic Bank is helping. In a nutshell,
the business helps stop ocean plastic while at the
same time reducing poverty; a captivating concept.
By enabling the exchange of plastic for money or
goods, Plastic Bank creates real value in discarded
plastic. This ingenious concept ultimately stops the
flow of plastic into our oceans, all while helping
people living in poverty build better futures.
“We have created the world’s largest chain of
stores for the ultra-poor where items are available
to purchase using waste plastic,” enthuses David.
“This includes school tuition, medical insurance,
and everything else the world’s poor may need but
can’t afford. Companies can help this movement
by using social plastic – plastic whose value has been
transformed through the lives of the people who
collected it.”

But it’s not just up to businesses to help change
the way plastic is sourced. David informs us that the
real power is in the hand of the consumer.
“Consumers have never been more powerful
than they are today,” he explains. “Corporations
are listening; every time you buy something, you are
voting. So, if you buy something with excessive
packaging, that’s what you’re voting for. We hope
the public will vote to buy items that have social
plastic in them.”
Plastic Bank is a brilliant concept that is being
transformed into reality by David’s hunger to save
the oceans, and the growing number of people
around the world who care about reducing the
despicable amount of plastic in our ecosystem.
And it’s through brilliant organisations like Change
Makers Rule Breakers that genuine change in the
world can become reality.
For more information on Plastic Bank, and to find
out how you or your company can make a real
difference, go to Translunar One can
be found at, and for more details on
CMRB, have a look at

Plastic Bank... helps stop

ocean plastic waste while at

the same time reducing

poverty; a captivating concept.

David Katz explains the
premise of Plastic Bank.

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