Auto Parts Asia — February 2018

(Ron) #1
54 | AutoPartsAsia | FEBRUARY 2018

good trainers even world-class
infrastructure will be futile. Hence
we have the ASDC orientation
programmes for trainers. They have
to pass examinations to continue as
trainers,” he said.

Higher Education
Another focus area of ASDC is skilling
in higher education. Most Engineers
and MBAs in the country are not
employable. ASDC has an initiative
for skilling in higher education.

Under this, undergraduate students
are offered the super modules of
ASDC manufacturing, supply chain,
quality engineering, diagnostics and
repairing etc. This strengthens their
chance for employment and they will
be more job-ready.
“This programme gives the qualified
graduates an opportunity to compare
the prospects of a career in the
automotive industry with other job
openings in IT, Telecom and Retail.
We also tell them about the career
path by sharing the occupational
map. Details about various fields
such as R&D, Engineering, Quality,
Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Road
Transportation, Servicing etc are
charted out. The expected growth of
automotive industry is also discussed.
Insights into the new technologies
like automation, robotics on the shop
floor, shared mobility, connected
traffic on the road, and electric
mobility are provided. The students
will be able to make an informed

“We started this initiative in 2016.
It takes a lot of time to align even
colleges with our line of thinking.
Many colleges from Tamil Nadu,
Maharashtra and Punjab have shown
interest and the number is increasing.
In the last 10-15 years, there was
heavy information bombardment in
favour of the IT industry. The number
of jobs on offer in the sector was also
more. A positive pull was created
to IT. The automotive industry could
not disseminate information about
its growth potential. At ASDC we are
doing our bit to spread information
about the career prospects in the
automotive sector. With these
initiatives, we hope, in the next 2-3
years more number of bright people
will join the automotive sector,”
Chaturvedi said.

New Challenges
ASDC is watching the changes in
the automotive industry such as
electric mobility, shared mobility
and high-end automation. These
changes demand new skills. With
the help of the industry, it is trying to
identify areas which require additional
skilling.ASDC is well-equipped to
face the challenge of automation,
robotisation and other technological
developments in the automotive
Automation has been a continuous
process for the past 30-40 years.
Now automation is leading to
robotisation. Anything which is
repeatable is up for automation.
Automation, which was only a small

part of the processes earlier, is
becoming widespread and covers
many more processes. Processes
which were manual are mechanised.
Therefore the machine operator
should have additional skills for the
same process. In short, upskilling
of existing job rolls, automation and
robotisation are the conversion of the
same thing. In automation, people
are using devices, in robotisation
people are changing to robots. In
complete robotisation, skills are
required more for designing robots,
setting the operational parameters
and maintaining the robots. It is a
continuous process and the industry
has been upgrading people.
“We at ASDC, ensure that people
coming fresh to the industry also
get exposure to these trends. We
offer skill development courses
in these sectors. In the high level
of welding and engineering we
offer programmes in designing
and managing robots. The first
part is Mechanisation, Automation
and Robotisation. The second
part is Internet of Things (IoT), the
connected world. Lots of things
required in decision-making are
getting automated. But they require
high accuracy. We need people
who are capable of using internet,
connected data and data analytics in
decision-making,” Chaturvedi said.

ASDC will shortly add 3D Printing-
related modules to the manufacturing
course. It has started adding
reference points and training
materials to the existing modules.


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