Dive if you’re not well or
have had a heavy night.
Illness, alcohol in the
system, and dehydration can
impair your judgement and
put you at increased risk
of injury
Worry about calling off a
dive if it’s not going well.
Conditions might surprise
you once you descend, and
it’s okay to decide that you
don’t want to continue
Your pre-dive safety check.
Bruce Willis Ruins All Films,
Beans With Rice And Fish, or
Begin With Review And Friend
all ensure that you really are
ready to go when you hit the
Build on your skills. Good
divers never stop learning
and know that practice
makes perfect. Refresher
dives and skill circuits will
ensure that your skills are
second nature
Ask for help. Diving is not
a solo sport, and even
experienced divers may need
assistance. Solving small
problems early on is better
than having to face bigger
issues later
Harass marine life, or get
“hands on” with the reef.
Most bites or stings are
inflicted as a defensive
reaction to careless divers.
Respect the critters you meet!