
(Tuis.) #1

266 Boundaries and Beyond

will be punished by beheading. Ofβicials who act as accomplices will
be subject to the same punishment.

  1. Ofβicials who use their positions to connect themselves with
    unauthorized trade will be subject to punishment extending to their
    whole families.

  2. Foreign merchants who engage in maritime trade should report
    their cargo for tax purposes immediately after their arrival in
    ports of call. Should they fail to do so, they will be punished by one
    hundred blows of bamboo.

  3. Any o fβicer who receives bribes for allowing cargo vessels to enter
    and connects himself with such transactions that lead to piratical
    activities will be sentenced to death if he is the principal, and
    banishment to the frontier if he is the accessory.

  4. Any ofβicer or civilian who sells prohibited weapons to tribute-
    bearers will be subject to punishment by beheading.

  5. Vessels can only be put to sea with an ofβicial permit. Any civilian or
    ofβicer who builds three-master or larger vessels (later two-master
    and above) without authorization, transports any prohibited cargo
    by sea and trades in foreign countries, has secret commerce with
    pirates and acts as a guide in plundering law-abiding people will be
    subject to the death sentence by beheading and the other members
    of his family are to be banished to the frontier. Anyone who builds
    a forbidden type of vessel and sells it to foreigners will suffer the
    same punishment.

  6. Any civilian or ofβicial who trades with Woguo (Japan) will be subject
    to the death penalty by beheading.

  7. Any civilian who purchases foreign cargo from tribute-bearers
    before they report to the customs ofβice or collects prohibited cargo
    for the foreigners, will be banished to the frontier.

  8. Inβluential and wealthy families who provide capital to purchase
    cargoes and ship them out to sea via the agency of evil people,
    even though they have not engaged in such activities personally,
    will also be subject to banishment to the frontier. The cargo will be

  9. Anyone who harbors wicked merchants or hides their cargo and
    transports it out to sea will be charged with theft, and sentenced
    to wearing the cangue for two months. Neighbors or petty ofβicials
    who are aware of such events but fail to inform the authorities will
    likewise be guilty and be subject to punishment by wearing the
    cangue for one month.^11

  10. Ch’en Wen-shih 陳文石, Ming hongwu jiajing jian de haijin zhengce 明洪武嘉
    靖間的海禁政策 [The Sea Prohibition policy during the Reigns from Hongwu
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